Why is Tom Cruise getting bashed for being happily in love????

This has turned me off him more than I was before. I dislike his off-screen self so much that I sometimes forget that I like about half of his movies. Maybe less than half.

I think he’s average, power-hungry, and no fucking way is he in love with Katie Holmes. It is possibly the worst acting job of his career. I don’t buy it for a second.

A factor to note here is that such comedians get up to such monkey business with the explicit intent of just being funny. Cruise’s conceit is that his antics were a genuine manifestation of his sincere feelings.

Watching Tom Cruise do his happy hetero dance on Oprah furniture made Michael Jackson seem kinda normal in comparison. Manly Man Cruise…well, the “lady” doth protest too much.

And I thought the Catholic Church had a lock on homoguilt…guess Scientology is giving ex-Catholic closet cases a run for their money.

Ever since Tom fired his long time PR person, Pat Kingsley, and replaced her with Tom’s equally nut-case Scientologist sister, his public image has been on a sleigh ride to hell.

I still like him in popcorn films like Mission Impossible and will continue to go to see them, but I have no doubt in my mind that he is a miserable closet case with an incurable case of guilt and self loathing.

I also need to protest the “short” commentary. I’m not going to quote it, because picking on the person isn’t going to solve anything, but what a silly thing to hold against him. What difference does it make if he’s eight inches shorter than her?

I saw an article on CNN today that says Katie Holmes is “embracing” (why do they always use that word?) Scientology.

Apparently, she’s happy as a clam.

I think it’s that he’s so sensitive about it. Remember how Nicole couldn’t wear heels because it would make him look too short? That’s lame, IMO.

Tom lost me when the marriage with Nicole went sour. I think she kept her dignity while he has completely lost his. First going after the troll doll Penelope Cruz and now this nonsense with Katie Holmes. You don’t see Nic out there drawing attention to her relationships. She doesn’t need to do that to generate a buzz.

DeVito and Fox are character actors. They don’t demand that the camera shoot up at them to make them look taller than they really are, and they don’t stand on a box just out of camera range to look taller than the woman they’re kissing.

There’s no reason Cruise couldn’t be a leading man who happens to be 5 foot 4, or however the hell tall he is. That he tries to fake being a taller guy is an insult to other people his height, and what opens him up to ridicule by persons of all statures.

Nice one!

Ah, yes, the ole “I belittle someone because they react to it, therefore it’s his fault” defense.

The repeated short jokes she made after their seperation were very dignified.

Look, I think Tom’s as big a wack job as exists in Hollywood today, and that’s saying a LOT. But criticizing him because he’s short just don’t do it for me. Next, can we unequivocally state how fat actresses must be complete nutters because, well, because they’re fat?

He’s given us enough reasons to heap criticism on him. Let’s leave his (completely out of his control) height out of the discussion.

[According to this article Tom Cruise has had troubles with the media recently mostly because of a change in who handles his PR:

Here’s a good article about Tom’s publicity team, and how, since he canned the pros, he’s being hit with this avalanche of bad press. Interesting insite into the machine.


Too slow, Shelbo!

Heh. It’s funny because a relevent article on Drudge would never take until page two to be linked to in a GD thread. Cafe Society folks tend not to be as a avid drudge readers I bet.

Okay, I didn’t know that Cruise invariably demanded to be shot as if he were taller than he is. Is that actually the case? Or is it that movie directors or executives demand he be shot that way because they want their hero to appear to have a certain stature? And how does this compare to the height sensitivity of other big name stars? Schwarzenegger? Stallone? Willis?

Cruise is 5-foot-7, a fairly respectable height.

I agree. And it would be like making fun of a fat actress who repeatedly asked people to shoot her to look skinny, etc. I wouldn’t blame her.

I know he’s probably insane, but i can’t blame him for trying to look taller in a society that values height.

In that case, I feel sorry for people who are shorter than him and read all the short jokes.

I’m shorter than 5 foot 7 and I’m bothered not a lick by the short jokes.

My opinion is as follows:

Gimme your best shot.

Michael J. Fox is a character actor? I think he’s one (hee-hee) foxy leading man.

Robert Redford is only 5’8". Why criticize Cruise’s height when he has so many other characteristics to go after?

This just in:

Katie Holmes is converting to Scientology.

Making fun of Tom Cruise’s height
…would be like making fun of a fat actress who repeatedly asked people to shoot her to look skinny, etc.

No I don’t think so. It is within the realm of possibility that a person can lose weight. I’m 5’3" tall. What are the possibilities that I could ever change that?

But I’m just defending myself - Tom Cruise is an idiot.

And yes, his professing his “love” goes way over the top. He reminds me of a person who is trying to quit smoking. I’m sure you’ve seen the type.
“Hey, have you noticed I have quit smoking? It’s been 1 day 7 hours and 43 minutes since I had my last cigarette and it doesn’t bother me a bit. Nope, I have sworn off cigarettes for good. It’s really made quite a change in me and I feel so great, but you’ve probably already noticed my non-smoking behavior and my non-smoking mentality… etc”

Think that person is sincere about staying away from cigarettes forever?

I don’t remember her saying anything other than “now I can wear heels again.”

And IMO it was much more dignified than him immediately going out and finding hisself a new girlfriend. He really made himself look like an idiot with that maneuver. Who was going to be impressed with that downgrade?