Why is Tom Cruise getting bashed for being happily in love????

Yes, but it’s discouraged. But realize that scientology claims to be able to *cure * homosexuality (see link.)

As long as you pay your Wacko Taxes to the estate of E. Ron Hubbard, I don’t think they care about whom you place your penis in.

And yet, it still could be true (his intense feelings for KH), and why jab the guy for that? Corrupt politicians and “real” freaks like Michael Jackson are more deserving of character assassination… all the current TC bruhaha seems pretty juvenile… imho.

If I think a guy looks like an idiot I feel justified in saying he looks like an idiot. When I think he’s sincere I’m more willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

I do my best to ignore stuff like this, but I did stumble across the Oprah clip and as I say, he looked like an ass.

One of my best friends adores Tom Cruise, but I’ve just never understood the attraction. He’s so tightly wound, like Richard Simmons but with less body glitter. As for Katie, I saw a bit of a clip where she was quoted as being cool with the Scientology stuff, or something similarily vacuous. Sounds like she doesn’t believe but is going along to get along.

Yeah! Just like that other religion that says the galaxy was created by some sort of omnipotent alien being and it made a virgin have its baby. Who later was killed but came back to life and then just took off. Thousands of years later, the wackos who believe that junk, well, they’re claiming they’re still eating that poor guy’s flesh and drinking his blood. I can’t believe anybody gives money to them, either. Buncha brain-dead sickies. :wink:

He’s not getting bashed for being happily in love. He’s getting bashed for calculatingly pretending to be in love for publicity purposes (which may or may not be the case), and he’s getting bashed for being extremely, asininely, so-saccharine-it-makes-people-want-to-puke-lydemonstrative about his being in love (whether it’s real or fake).

Those movies both had budgets of about $130 million, and nobody in Hollywood would turn down extra publicity. If it gets them more press and more appearances on talk shows where they can pimp their movies, I can buy it as a publicity stunt.

Once again, Green Bean hits it on the head. I don’t know why I bother to try to formulate answers.

Okay, the “supplemental bonus material” at that link was excellent! Just excellent! I’ll be laughing for days! :smiley:

Not less of a man so much as less of an Operating Thetan. Once you’ve reached a certain level on The Bridge you’re supposed to have control of MEST, and I would imagine that adding a few inches (to whatever part of your body) would be relatively simple for an omnipotent being.

That close up of Tom’s face was just frightening. I hope never to met up with him.

I agree with almost all the criticism about Cruise, except for the height thing. It’s a cheap shot. Cruise is well within average height, and many movie stars – Stallone, etc. – are not as tall as you’d think.

I’m just about as tall as Cruise, and were I unattached, I’d be just fine with going around with a taller woman.

Green Bean, that was beautiful. But you forgot “serial dater” Winona Ryder.

It’s really too bad. I used to like Tom Cruise–he is exactly my age–Risky Business was the perfect movie at the best time in adolescence for me etc.

Top Gun -eh, not so much, but I am not a “glorify the military” type of gal.
anyhoo, I was ok with Nicole and Tom and they seemed to be stable (at least for Hollywood). I have no affection for Ms. Kidman (could she be more vain?), but whatever.

Ever since their divorce–what has happened to Tommy? I think substance abuse or major boi-chemical imbalance (most probably the latter). Get help–from someone other than L Ron Hubbard, please.

And this chick–Katie-what a waste of space! You chew gum on global TV and tell people that you couldn’t think because of big wad of gum in your mouth?

How stupid are you? Multiple choicie question, that.p

I’m also puzzled about the level of hostility for Cruise. I’m kinda neutral on the subject. He believes in a religion which is only moderately more whacko than the prevailing Big Sky Fairy myth, he has affairs with lots of women, he may or may not be a closeted gay. His relationships may be fakes.

Frankly, he seems downright inoffensive compared to a lot of Hollywood types.

I think it’s offensive that he feels the need to mouth off about how women deal with post-partum depression. Here’s a relevant topic: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=319619&highlight=Brooke+Shields

Now this is weird.

I took a tour of the USS Razorback this weekend and a submariner who served on a similiar boat was giving the tour. When we were in the main crew compartment he explained that the top bunk wasn’t necessarily the best. People standing in line for the galley would often times harass the guys on the top bunk. Those who seemed most bothered by the harassment would find themselves harassed even more.

I’ve seen Michael J. Fox and Danny Devito as the butt of some short jokes but not in casual conversation like I do with Tom Cruise. I suspect it’s because Fox and Devito aren’t as sensitive about their height as Cruise is.


There is still one unremarked upon factor is this discussion.

It is apparently proper ettiquette in the artificial reality that is talk shows that pretty much only performers with an established background in comedy (stand up, sketch comedy, etc.) are allowed to get up to antics and shennannigans and non-typical furniture posturing*. This is bostered if they are well known for their physical comedy already. Examples include: Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, and Bobcat Goldthwait.

Please note that added outrageousness does not necessarily guarantee a successful appearance, but they are given greater leeway to act out.

So if you didn’t come from comedy, conform, CONFORM, connffoooooooooooorrmmm to the audience 's social expectations… or watsonwil will sock ya in the breadbasket!

Cruise’s performance on Oprah did seem forced and unnatural, folks not being used to this sort of behavior from him tipped reaction towards the negative. A for Effort, but F for Success.

  • Some musicians also seize this liberty


Her journey towards the Dark Side is complete.
