Why is Uruguay a funny name ?

Q1) Why does Homer Simpson make fun of my country’s name? Uruguay

Q2) Which is funnier?:

Q3) Why USA = America ?
People born in the USA are unitedstatsians as far as I’m concerned.

The Simpson’s is aired in Uruguay?

Taking a chance that this is a serious question, a willfull (or extraordinarily ignorant) mis-pronunciation results in:

You are gay.

'nuff said?

I remember the scene, but what episode was that?

pfbob -> Mmmm. I suspected that.

In spanish it’s pronounced oorooguahi

the “gua” in “guay” is pronounced like the “gua” in “guantanamo”

USA = United States of America. Therefore they’re generally referred to as Americans, but YMM (and does) V.

Some folks find it funny because it has the first two letters in common with urinate and UrAnus.

Homer pronouced it “Yoo are gay”

From the episode “bart vs Australia”

So what are citizens of Uruguay called? Uruguites? Uruguoids?

Uruguay, no contest.

But none of them are nearly as funny as Chad.


just kiddin…Uruguayan(s)
In spanish it’s Uruguayo(s)

The full name of the country:
Oriental Republic of Uruguay … cause it’s on the east side of the river Uruguay.
Uruguay means “river of birds” in the language spoken by the first natives, the guarani.

Hmmm…is there oil in Uruguay?

I think we need to bring democracy to South America.

Then shouldn’t people from there be called orientalrepublicans? :slight_smile: I agree that calling people from the USA Americans is unfortunate, but unitedstatesian isn’t a word.

From satirewire.com

While wondering if the other nations of the world weren’t perhaps making fun of him, a cautious Bush granted approval for most axes, although he rejected the establishment of the Axis of Countries Whose Names End in “Guay,” accusing one of its members of filing a false application. Officials from Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chadguay denied the charges.


Is Chad hanging?

Not by any means. There’s Paraguay = “para gays” = “for gays.” So there are two neighbor countries mutually insulting each other: “u r gay” and “for gays.”

I always took “Paraguay” to mean “pair of gays” …

I saw this episode on TV today!

Uruguayans CAN be called “Orientals”

As in:

Nationality? “Oriental”
Also, tough we had a military government about twenty years ago (as most other countries in Latin America did) This government called for ellections and a democratic system was established. Incidentally, I heard last week our President had an interview with George W. Bush…
Its not only in the simpsons…
People often has a wrong concept of what Uruguay is like. Once in “Friends” Phoebe´s evil twin want´s to show off in front of Sean Penn´s character by saying that she “Was with the Peace Corps, helping build homes in Uruguay”

There`s never been a Peace Corps intervention here, to my knowledge…

I’ve seen the name Uruguay used in many movies also, when they need a FAR and Unknown place to mention.

I agree is a funny name, and it tends to get confused with our neighbours at “PARAGUAY”. Also I think there is not much interest in natives here, as they were mostly killed. I don´t think us Uruguayans, descendant mostly of Spanish and Italian immigrants, inherited our culture from the native´s traditions. More like we evolved from our colonists cultures.

Any other questions about Uruguayan History or Politics, may be adressed to my brother SARDAUKAR3925, who is a studious of the subject, and I´m sure will answer gladly

Now, of course, in a time of social and economic insecurity, Uruguayans are colonizating other countries, expanding our culture to every corner of the world. Beware, I’m sure that wherever you are, there MUST be an uruguayan not very far…
Saludos: P0L

I’ll be damned !

here’s de link to Homer’s remark