Why is Woody Allen still making movies?

Given that they were both minors when he started relationships with them…yes, it does, IMO.

And, in general, yes, I am kinda creeped out by a person in their 40s or 50s who is having a romantic relationship with someone who’s in their teens or early 20s, even if the younger person is legally an adult. There’s likely to be a tremendous power imbalance in such a relationship, especially when the older person is in a position of authority or fame.

That they have been married for 26 years isn’t. The fact that she was the adopted daughter of Allen’s romantic partner (who was also the mother of three children – two adopted, one biological* – who had Allen as their father) when their relationship started is, as well as the fact that, as noted above, it began when she was 20-ish, and he was 55. Again, IMO.

*- Yes, I know the rumors about Ronan’s actual father, but regardless, Allen is the father on his birth certificate, and Allen helped to raise him.

That he got involved with Soon Ye Previn. Yes, I get it - consenting adults and all that. And I know that contrary to what some people say, Woody was NOT married to Mia, so he didn’t start an affair with his stepdaughter.

I don’t think he is criminally liable for that. Just kinda icky.

ETA: I see that several other posters have covered the matter well. That’s what I get for navigating to the thread via the notification, instead of just reading the thread where I left off.

To be honest, that doesn’t seem equivalent with “[he] is most likely a pretty gross human being.”

Here are some photographs from all four of them around the same age:

Hey, I’m just giving my irrelevant opinion on a message board, because that is kinda sorta what we do. If you want to say that in YOUR opinion, Woody Allen isn’t likely “pretty gross,” that’s fine.

I’m not trying to prove a thing, just offer my idle speculation. You are more than welcome to disagree. (And honestly, I prefer defenses of WA to claims that he is a child abuser. While I agree with neither extreme, it seems to me that the evidence doesn’t support the latter.)

Just curious: What are you basing that on? Because you might be right, but if you’re going strictly by his face, I’m thinking of the “proof” that James Hewitt is Prince Harry’s biological father. Always the same to photos, with each looking to his left. Sure, from that angle they look strikingly similar. But look at Harry from slightly above, and those are the Windsor ears. That is the Windsor nose.

So you might be right; I’m not going to rule it out. But what are your reasons for thinking that?

In other words, you know that Harry is Charles’s son because of the physical resemblance.

I was unaware (and am happy to remain in that state) of the whole James Hewitt speculation, but it sounds from what you say that the photos that purport to prove his paternity are somewhat forced - “always the same” angle.

I shouldn’t have said “OBVIOUSLY.” I should have said it obviously can’t be ruled out. Personally, I see a very striking resemblance between Ronan and Frank without having to play games with which photos are being compared. Whereas I see none with Woody.

I just don’t see how Ronan is so adamant about his paternity when clearly there are questions. Not that it’s any of my business, of course. Though that didn’t stop me from commenting, did it? I’ll shut up now.

Lucas was a one-trick pony whose only continuing relevance was the spin-off of other businesses.

Really? Based on the claims of a deranged ex-wife with a history of vindictiveness? And after a thorough police investigation found no evidence of such molestation? Do you also believe in flying unicorns?

The moral sins of Woody Allen, if one wants to consider his peculiarities to be sins, have involved an attraction to younger women. The relationship of Allen with his then-stepdaughter Soon-Yi Previn was, at worst, creepy, but since they’ve been happily married for more than a quarter of a century, I think it’s about time for the sanctimonious critics to back off and find something else to whine about.

To add to the credulity, Mia Farrow appears to relish in the suffering of others. She’s made a point to adopt lots of children suffering from medical issues. Including biological children, she’s had 14 kids. And rather than help them, 3 of her kids have died prematurely (one from a drug overdose, and another by suicide), and Moses Farrow wants nothing to do with her.

Meanwhile, Ronan is a genius (he graduated college at 15), but has some ridiculously huge blind spot about his mother, including (in my opinion) the obvious fact that he’s Frank Sinatra’s son. (I know it was stated upthread already. I join in saying that it’s impossible to deny the associated appearances). It seems to me that if he admits that fact, he risks acknowledging that his mother is indeed a liar.

Okay, well, why I think Woody molested Dylan is because of her interview in the Allen vs. Farrow documentary. Yes, she’s probably been heavily coached, but I don’t quite have it in me to disbelieve someone who’s in tears telling their story. However, I agree that WA’s attraction to adolescent girls (Mariel Hemingway) is a different category from touching a seven y/o in the swimsuit area, and is not an indicator.

As for Sinatra/Ronan, listen, I see the resemblance too! Like Schwarzenegger and the housekeeper: that kid looks enough like Arnold to be his stunt double. I was just unsure about the timing. But if Mia herself says they “never really broke up,” there you go.

Don’t forget that she’s a freaking professional actor, and not the worst.

I think she’s talking about Dylan Farrow, not Mia.

Ah sorry, I misunderstood.

Yeah, I meant Dylan has been coached by Mia.

Looking at the pictures from my links in post #64, the only thing I can say is that Ronan in his 20s looks a whole lot like Mia in her 20s. So he’s definitely her son, which tells us nothing new. It’s possible for a child to look a lot like one parent but not the other:

In the Genes: Where Baby's Looks Come From.

Quoting the whole post to say I agree with it 100%. The three “early” books are still terrific. I prefer his earlier films, haven’t seen a lot of them from the past 20 years or so. For me his masterpiece was “Hannah and Her Sisters” and nothing since then has really impressed me.

As much as I question Mia Farrow’s motives, I have to say that as written, this is grossly unfair. She may be guilty of having more children than any parent can reasonably provide for (attention-wise), but even the best parents have been struck with the death by suicide or overdose of a kid.

I say this having a good friend whose family also adopted 11 children, in addition to 3 bio kids. There’s just so much parental attention to go around. And some of the kids had issues that no one could have fixed.

Ditto - I look nothing like my father, and very much like my mother. I’ve done DNA testing and am definitely my father’s bio-kid.

But it’s not just appearances that factor into the supposition that Ronan is Sinatra’s son.

We know that Mia had a relationship with Sinatra. We know that Mia has said that they never “really broke up”, thereby tacitly admitting to having a relationship with Sinatra even when she was with Allen. And we know that Farrow is ok with an unfaithful affair, given her history with Previn. Now, add to that Ronan’s similarities with Sinatra, and then fact that he doesn’t look like Allen, and you have a plausible case.

That’s sort of my point. Mia Farrow made a point of adopting kids with ailments; she seems to gravitate to the idea that she is a “rescuer” of people. To me, that matches her story of Dylan, her poor maligned daughter that she has had to “save”.

Yeah, but you blamed her for the deaths of her children. Many parents, including on this board, have lost a son or daughter to overdose or suicide, despite not having a dozen children.