Why not paint the White House Yellow?

We have had so many Presidents and their families in the White House. When was it determined that the White House would always be White? Could the Presidents have changed the color if they wanted?

You can make it any color you want to.

Smarty Pants Casey1505

They probably decided to keep the paint white about the same time they decided to name it The White House. Otherwise, what would be the point?

Well, can’t they do the trim in a nice blue or something? And maybe a cute red door…

yeah! Isn’t that Feng shuai? I am pretty sure a red door means prosperity.

White house with a red door?

We’d have to elect Kevin Spacey president. Annette Benning would make a fantastic First Lady.

Actually, it started out as a kind of cream color. They painted it white after it was set on fire during the War of 1812.

Speaking of the War of 1812? I can’t understand why in American schools, it’s taught that the US won the war. I mean, the US were the aggressors, and they didn’t gain anything. So…

Gadfly: here’s a thread on who won the War of 1812:


Now just hold on a minute here. The US was the aggressor? That’s not the way I was taught it in grade school!
No joke. But they get points for never talking about it except once in first grade (they were teaching us educational songs about American history and figured we’d need some background on the War of 1812 - America won our independence but the British didn’t want to let us go), maybe half a day in fifth, and in eight it was mostly rushed through, but at least we got some facts. I’m lucky I had a good US history teacher that year who taught us stuff I’ve no other history teacher ever said to me.