Why the demonization of Obama?

I don’t know about that. I suspect it’s just all they’ve got, because the Republicans have been campaigning on such nonsense as flag pins, anti-flag burning amendments, “family values,” and the like for so long that they are afraid to actually engage Obama on real issues like the war, the economy, energy policy, etc.

Of course, I suppose it could be both.

Does that include Republicans who post on the SDMB?

Again ? No, I STILL have no interest in making this thread about me.

We don’t agree on a lot of things, DT, but you hit this one right on the head.

The above statement is a falsehood, of course. Remarkably, it comes from someone labeling others as “moral cripples, lunatics and liars”.


No doubt Bill did some stupid shit and perjury is a crime. IMO his affair with Monika never should have seen the light of day. With all the serious issues we have to deal with in this country the president’s sexual indiscretions isn’t something we need to spend our time and resources on. IMO those who spent so much time focusing their energies on his BJ , which led to the perjury, did a much greater disservice to the country than Bill did. If you want to beat the opposing party then beat them on the issues that affect the citizens you represent.

No, they’re making themselves look like assholes for creating issues where there are none, and being dishonest while they’re doing it. They’re making themselves look like assholes for using the same tactics that were used to get Bush into office. People remember what their reward was for falling for that bullshit. I think, and sincerely hope, the days of any trashy thing goes because it’s politics are being rejected by the public. Beat your opponent on the issues and by being smarter in managing your campaign. Spreading poisonous bullshit might just backfire.

Or because that’s all they’ve got considering how badly Bush has sullied the republican name. Republicans need to seriously clean house and return some integrity to their public image. Instead McCain keeps flipping on issues and becoming more Bush like.
I have some conservative leanings of my own and would love to see some honest discussion about the issues and realistic solutions. The first step is to reject slash and burn dishonest politics and insist our leaders address the real issues. So far, Obama has the lead in that regard.

Hardly. Clinton backing Bush down like that was pretty well known at the time, to people who were paying attention. Clinton knew he was up against a Bush - in other words, an amoral, dishonorable scumball who’d descend to any depth. So, he was all ready for them when Bush inevitably decided to go for the sex scandal tactic. It’s not like it would occur to a Republican NOT to be sleazy.

Of course? Why of course?

Because otherwise he’d have to admit that the Republicans are hypocrites who do exactly what they accuse others of ?

I didn’t reach it, I assumed it, as any reasonable person would, and stated it as the most obvious explanation, but wondered if there might be something more in play; thought I made that clear enough.

I thought we had already established that with Gingrich. Still, I note that repeating rumors without offering any evidence doesn’t make it factual. So far it’s just a story without evidence. It may be false, I just wondered about the “of course” rather than asking for a cite.

Shodan, if you want to sneak accusations of lying past the Moderators, you are going to have to change your language to “that statement is false.” Using the word “falsehood” makes it an accusation of lying and will not be permitted.

[ /Moderating ]

It’s strange that I’ve never heard that particular tidbit before- I thought I was pretty plugged in.

Is there any contemporary account of Clinton “backing down” Bush with a scandal of HW’s own? Is there any credible evidence that HW had an affair? I was a fledgling conservative then, so I may have ignored it out of confirmation bias.

I always kind of thought of the elder Bushes as asexual grandparents, even when HW was president.

Could you post that in the sticky so that no one gets the idea that it is a completely arbitrary distinction you pulled out of your ass? Thanks in advance.

OK, with that in mind -The statement is false, of course. Remarkably, it comes from someone labeling others as “moral cripples, lunatics and liars”.


It was an open secret in Washington at the time that Poppy had a mistress named Jennifer Fitzgerald. He was also alleged to have had numerous other dalliances but was successful in cowing the press from talking much about it. But yeah, he was every bit the horn dog that Clinton was, but IOKIYAR.

You didn’t see the video of him patting Teri Hatcher’s ass recently? link

well there ya go.
According to that article it did come out during the campaign. Am I reading that right?

Shodan? what say you?

It did. I believe the question even came up during a debate but Bush got all indignant about it and the press backed off after that.



Ignorance fought. urp.

I’m not sure ‘open secret’ is the correct phrase you are looking for. Rather try ‘popular rumor’ or ‘widespread gossip’.

Even in your cited article, papers admitted putting their best investigative reporters on the story, trying to break it. But they came up empty.