Why the HELL does anyone smoke?

threemae: No sweat, these things happen.

kellibelli: Hey now, slow down. Some people do manage to quit, and Jahender’s lady love might have quit, given time. For all we know, she’s living the high life, smoke free, wishing she knew Jahender’s address right now.

You might get farther with your strong anti-smoking sentiment if you cloaked it with a little more empathy – addicts don’t have much choice over their behavior. Still, I understand your strong feelings on the matter.

you are a born diplomat, but I am pretty pissed, and the pit is the spot for pissin, aint it?


I cant CHOOSE to make Mom NOT DIE!
I can CHOOSE to have her NOT SUFFER!!!
I dont have ANY CHOICES AT ALL!!!

what are those stages of grief?
3.complete and utter panic at the thought of telling my children that grammy has DIED?

choices, Mom finally quit smoking…it wasnt that hard…the morphine helped… I guess with the proper incentive, anything is possible.

Poor Kelli, I really do feel awful for you (my father died from cigarettes, too, and my mother’s still ailing from HIS smoke). If it’s any comfort at all, maybe you will scare the living daylights out of someone reading this and help them give up smoking.

thanks flora…that is why I bother…if just one person stops, the pain that can be prevented is beyond measure.


You are obviously totally against smoking. To the point where you do not really think clearly. Let me tell you a few things which might educate you on this:

  1. You telling people to quit will do nothing but make them want to smoke to spite you. Sure, it’s cutting off the nose to spite the face, but guess what? Telling someone who is addicted that they shouldn’t be addicted is akin to telling a raging fire to please extinguish itself. Except the fire isn’t likely to get pissed off like the smoker…

  2. You wind up alienating the person you love. I would rather have a good relationship shortened than have a long antagonistoc relationship because I can not accept a person faults and all.

You think you are the only person who has felt pain from a smoker loved one who passed away? Well, my mom died at the end of June. She was only 57. Her cigarette smoking could have made non-smokers in the family act all defensive, made her hate them.

Instead we all loved her. Sure, we all wish she would have not smoked and most-likely still been here. But nothing we would have done would have changed her mind on this. It’s ultimately up to her…

I get the feeling that you would rather bury someone early after several tense estranged years and be able to say “I told you so” rather than enjoy a relationship with someone and tolerating their faults.

Sure, you ask them to not smoke in your house or car. Sure, you request the non-smoking section when eating out with them.

But your fury shows me that you have gone too far with your anti-smoking sentiments.

I’m sorry for your pain, but you really should look at the time you had, not the time you feel you missed. Nothing is guaranteed anyway…

a couple of things i hate about smokers/smoking:

  1. it stinks
  2. them smoke-breaks
  3. it stinks
  4. the taste (ever kissed a smoker?)
  5. it stinks

a couple of things you should do to smokers:

  1. if you walk past a smoker, or enter a room where people are smoking; make a face, say “eeewwwwww” and go away.
  2. if a smoker enters your room or in any way enters your privite area, simply tell him to go away because he stinks to much for company.
  3. if you are working with people who take smoking-breaks, take a nonsmoking-break, just say you are not going to smoke.
  4. if you find out that your girlfriend/boy is smoking just tell them you will see them when they quit smoking.

now what happens when people smoke?

  1. all the statistic things you all know about.
  2. they cant keep the smoke for themselves, can they?
  3. about this chewing tobacco thing, oh yeah, great. you know what it does to your skin? (i know, i know you have excuses)
  4. if parents were smokers when their kids were born, the kids were born smokers.
  5. appartments get smoking walls (yellowish hue), cars get a permanent smoking stink, your fingers go yellow and stinky and you have this aura of smoke around you.
  6. it stinks, stinks stinksstinksstinksstinksstinksstinksstinks
    stinksstinks. (line breaks inserted by moderator)

im not telling you this for a fact factor, it is not an enlightenment speach, it isnt a teachers lecture. you know this to be true and still you smoke?
which makes you a part of the stupidest lot i know to exist in this otherwise lovely world.

right now im wearing a t-shirt labeled “blow the smoke, kick the tar. no thank you to tobacco!” given to me by the chairman of anti-smoking comitee of iceland

[Note: This message has been edited by Lynn Bodoni]

oh yeah, one other thing. to satisfy the nicotine need you need only 7-8 cigs a day. everything in excess is just the habit of smoking.

Why don’t they do a study on assholes? I think opinionated assholes do more detriment to society than cigarettes.

If a study showed that the stress of listening to an asshole whine caused harmful health disorders, I suppose they might concoct a definition of asshole and give each offender a well deserved punch in the mouth.

Hey, this world is no paradise, so quit your fucked up whining.

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People like kellibelli and Bjorn make me want to light up again…

Why do I smoke? I think the answer should be damned obvious to anybody who’s read the last few postings …

Do you have a cite for this?

Cancer was and still is a dreaded disease. It was whispered about back then…"Stella has <whisper> cancer. " like it was contagious by words and not other means.

I think you didn’t hear about it because no one really thought smoking was bad. Drinking and driving wasn’t taken seriously until the 80’s, for cryin’ out loud, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist until MADD came along.

Little sidebar regarding cancer: A very good friend of ours (nonsmoker) had cancer of the pancreatic and something else. Little chance to live. Visiting him in the hospital, hubby and I (both very familiar with hospitals) noticed something really really odd about this ward. It was the cancer ward and all other wards have the patients name written outside the room on the door or chart holder thingy. Not there. Cancer is still a stigma and privacy is very highly guarded. Our friend is now cancer free and has his hair back.

hell, now that bjork agreed with me, I[/]feel like lighting up too…
christ you freak, dont agree with me anymore, it gives me a burning rash ** RIGHT ON MY ASS!!!

and my mom is not dead yet thank you very much, and I certainly will take no pleasure in "i told you so"s (are you crazy?), if anything I wish I had tried HARDER to get her to quit, at least got her to go to the DAMN DOCTOR!!!
the anger you get from me is at myself-you dumbass- how can I ever forgive myself for all the shit I pulled, all the pain I caused, and the fact that I didnt take better care of her when I was too busy with my own bullshit…saying that nothing is guaranteed …life is uncertain…all that other crap is a cop out, would you let a child play with a loaded gun and leave the result up to fate???
the sad fact that you have lost your own mother and still are so twisted that you dont DESPISE the cigatrettes that killed her makes me sad for you…
(I am assuming that the cigs did it, if I am wrong, I do apologise.)
Ironically I desperately hope that I will be able to tell people that my mom made it to 57 before she died.


Since when are you responsible for your mom’s decisions? Since when are you responsible for saving the fucking world?

You didn’t “get” your mom to a doctor, she went. In fact, I’ll bet your constant bitching made her want to smoke more…

Saying that nothing is guaranteed is a “cop-out” you say? Please elaborate on how the obvious is a cop-out. If you can guarantee anything in life, aside from death, please let me know.

Hell, smoking doesn’t even guarantee that you’ll die younger - it just increases the statistical odds. And you cannot guarantee that cigarettes did what is killing your mom.

A child with a loaded gun? So your mom is a child - someone who cannot care for herself, someone who cannot make her own choices, huh? She was ignorant of the choice she was making, in spite of warnings, media coverage, and loud-mouths like you telling her about how she was gonna die? I wouldn’t tell my Dad that he shouldn’t carry a legal firearms, though apparently you feel yourself to be responsible for this.

Oh, and FUCK YOU for telling me how I should feel about cigarettes or my mother. I am twisted, huh? Well, your inane rambling on this subject shows me that you have some very serious issues to work out between you and your mother than would be there whether she smoked or not.

The cigs no doubt helped put my Mom in her grave earlier than I or anyone else around her wanted. That doesn’t mean I’m going to waste my life and energy crusading against it. I’m against crack, but I’m not going to become a psycopath like you are rallying against it.

You really need to see someone about this guilt you have, kelli. It’s really not healthy, and let me tell ya - You’ll be dead at 57 without taking a single drag off a cigarette if you don’t look after these issues…

Smoking is a drug, once you are hooked it is very difficult to give it up, so the problem is starting to smoke, campaigners should definitely concentrate on the 11-16 age range as to why and how they would start to smoke, I have tried to quit smoking but find it very hard, and always end up smoking after a few ales,

Middsy, Bath,England

kellibelli: i rather dispise lying, so i wont do that just to disagree with you. that would be plain silly. you can do that if you want to, but it will only make you look stupid, you know.

this anti-smoking thing we have here isnt about making all of you who smoke quit it. its about going away and leaving us non-smokers alone with our fresh air.

satan: no need getting mad at us because you smoke/d.

one last thing, kelli…you sure you arent in hell?

no Bjorn, I am not at all sure…

and if satan could show where I indicated "constant bitching " at my mother I would like to see it.The problem is that I DIDNT bitch, I didnt say a damn word.I never once bugged her to quit, never once told her her breath stank or her clothes smelled, never asked her to go for a check up, I never did a damn thing.Nothing. I sat back and watched her kill herself.Her doctor, one of the most respected (if blatantly arrogant and almost repulsive) in his field told her the cigarettes did it.
I am still not quite sure what this has to do with your dad’s guns, and oh, fuck you, you are the one who is telling me how I should feel

You have NO IDEA how this pains me to say, but Bjork is right, no need to get mad at us if you choose to smoke…
Btw, I have been a smoker, andI still crave one when I drink, or when I am upset, and the smell of a newly opened pack makes me swoon…but I choose not to indulge, just as I choose not to drink & drive, shoot heroin, fuck strangers, any other activity that might shorten my miserable life, because I have children and they are MY responsibility, and part of that responsibility is to try to be around for as long as possible.
Sure I could get hit by a bus tomorrow (probably driven by Satan), but I am far less likely to be hit by that bus if I look both ways.
I am going to see someone about my guilt though…I am a mess. You might want to do the same though…I doubt there are any of us who wouldnt benefit from a few volts of elecroshock (joke).
I wont be posting in this thread again, I just cant stand agreeing with Bjork :slight_smile:

I smoked from 15 to 26. At 27 I was diagnosed with Asthma. I love, love, love tobacco, love the smell, taste, nicotine, and rituals. But I can’t smoke anymore. I stil miss it.

One thing everyone is forgetting here is the effect on one’s breathing. Even if they don’t get cancer, most smokers I know are not going to go for hikes, bike rides, x-country ski trips, etc.

We only have so much time on the earth and Smiking limits our enjoyment of it.

Because they are on fire?

I had my first cigarette when I was 18 years old. I was at the end of the worst day of my life and I was hysterical. I don’t know what it was that prompted me to get up and go to the corner store for cigarettes but I did. Only one of my friends at the time smoked, no one in my family smokes, I was never around it. I puffed tentatively at it for a few seconds, then took a small drag, then I filled my lungs with smoke. I never coughed, I never puked, it was never nasty or disgusting to me. When I finished the first one, I felt better than I had before. So I had another.

I am VIOLENTLY allergic to most perfumes. If a man or a woman is wearing more than a hint of fragrance, my eyes water, my throat closes up, I get a migrane and become short of breath. On a few occasions I’ve had an asthma attack as a result. Every time I get into an elevator or go to a restaurant I run the risk of encountering someone that, by doing something that they have every right in the world to do, could make me very ill.

I do not stink. My clothes, my home, my hair, and my breath all smell the same as any non smokers. I do not take smoke breaks, because I don’t have to. The fact that I am a smoker is no reflection on, nor has any bearing at all on my ability to do my job.

I know the dangers of smoking. I am not an idiot. I smoke because I enjoy it. When I stop liking it, I’ll stop doing it.

People go backwoods skiing in avalanche country, people jump out of airplanes, people get into ships and sail towards the horizon having no idea what will happen to them on the way. We aren’t safe creatures. We don’t do right for ourselves and we don’t do right for each other.

We could find something better to fight about.

I hadn’t been following this thread, but as it happens I quit smoking 13 hours, 44 minutes ago.

I have a 21mg Nicoderm patch, but it is a piss-poor substitute for the 40 to 60 Camel straights I’ve been enjoying daily for 18 years on-and-off until this morning.

I brought my putter and a stress ball into work today. I already putt better, but I got exactly Jack done at work.

I’ve exiled myself from bars for the next few days or weeks, when I could most use a drink.

I may have to exile myself from my friends, too, if I want to keep them.

Last time I tried to quit, about 4 years ago, I put a cab driver in the hospital because he cut me off in a pedestrian walkway. This is as “The dangers of second-hand not smoking.”

So, just so everyone knows, one answer to the OP, “Why the Hell does anyone smoke?” is that when we don’t smoke, we really, really, really, really want a cigarette.

Be very nice to people trying to quit, and don’t give too much grief to those who aren’t ready.

Livin’ on Tums, Vitamin E and Rogaine