Why was Marx wrong about capitalism?

if his critique is ok and not dead obviously wrong please tell us why you think that

??? I just bought a beyond meat or something there. They are always trying to find new stuff to please customers to stay ahead of competition and bankruptcy

You canNOT be typing this with a straight face.

I have a friend who makes $4 an hour. Paid by a successful business owner, so they see no need to increase wages.

yes walk around store and so does the competition always looking for a way to get a slight edge on you and drive you into bankruptcy. This is exactly how we evolved from the universal subsistence poverty in the Stone age to massive QD Oled TV wealth today

How does that old joke go?

My boss drove up in a brand new Maserati, and I said to him, “Wow! That’s a nice car!”

He took me aside and said, “Son, if you work hard, cut costs, and sell, sell, sell, then I can get another one next year, too.”

Have you ever been a capitalist? I don’t mean making the claim that you believe in capitalism, I mean have you taken your money, time, and resources to build a business that makes products and hires people?

$4 hour??? In America you can make $15/hour right off the boat with no English education or experience while half the world lives on $5.50 /day or less without capitalism. Capitalism pushed wages up to 60 times more than most of the world makes!

yes, And?

So how does slavery fit into your capitalists must provide the best jobs schtick? Company stores? Sweatshops? Child labor?

Well she may not be smart enough to be a Marxist but she has figured out she is for every imaginable measure to shower money down on her constituents much like a Santa Claus .

  1. slavery existed 20,000 years before capitalism was invented
  2. company stores are fine as long as they are capitalistic and must offer the best price and quality to stay in business
  3. sweatshops were the best possible at the time and so people moved up to sweatshops mostly from manual dirt farming
  4. child labor still exists over much the world today mostly were it is a safe step up from scavenging in a garbage dumb all day or renting your body for sex,

well he is inviting competition isn’t he? All the new competitor has to do is make do with one Maserati and use the savings to lower his price and drive the greedy guy into bankruptcy. Capitalism is a race to the top. This is how we evolved from Stone Age to here.

That is irrelevant.

I’m not sure you know what a company store is.

There are still sweatshops today.

A safe step up? I’m also not sure that you know the history of child labor.

Given your answers here, there’s little point in continuing the conversation with you.

How do you feel about companies that paid their employees in scrip, which could only be used at the company store, where prices were often inflated over what real dollars could buy elsewhere?

???most of the world lives on $5.50/day or less. Starting wages in USA are 60 times higher because better jobs is the capitalist equation.

lots of crooks around but they just invite competition don’t they?

even the New York Times has supported child labor where it exists because often it is the best alternative. Do gooders have in some cases got it banned and the kids died in the streets as a result.
New York Times ‘ columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column in which he claims that in some cases having children working in a sweatshop is a good thing [“Where Sweatshops Are a Dream,” 14 January 2009]. He submitted his column from Cambodia.

In 1993, when Congress proposed the U.S. Child Labor Deterrence Act, which would have blocked imports made by children (if it had passed), garment factories in Bangladesh fired 50,000 children. Many ended up in worse jobs, like prostitution

Demonstrably it’s Marx’s theory of alienation keeping me from investing interest in this thread, or my woeful lack of a proper Praeger University education.

so you think alienation was more of a factor than low wages?? Why?

No, it isn’t. It is an excellent business practice, and various companies try to keep it going.