Well, there was a pitting of that time period in the pit, and I contributed to an earlier thread about the time period in question, but now I have a question, and a request. Now, I relize that some of it is likely to be due to nostalga, but it seems to me that everything (save for politics) in the 80s were better then in the nineties (save for clinton)
Thing is, why? The songs were more rhytmic, and stuck in the ears more, the beat was better, and so on. Listening to Happy Hardcore techno of the 9os, it seems like it was so much an imitation of what has come before, while the stuff of the previous decade was intentionally spacey. True, some of the bands had good music in the 90s, but they were all bands that started in at least 1978,(Wait, didn’t the Go-Gos record “I’m going to spend my chrismas with a Dalek” in the 60s?) and as we all know, :rolleyes: styles of music change instanly once a decade is over. That is why “everyone knows” disco is of the 70s.
Now, I see rap songs taking samples of new wave music, I see some (but not enough) of the cartoons I used to enjoy on DVD, and I see reissues of comic books from back then, but what I do not see is an interest in all things 80s, on the scale of popular culture’s obsession with the 50s, or the 70s. Will we see such a revival on the same scale when I am middle aged?
Basically, I am asking for people’s memories, reasons why I am wrong, and reasons why I am right. However, first one to mention the Spice Girls, and any other corporation owned band of the ninties, in a positive light, (Was it just me, or was that the only kind they had for that decade) gets a bucket of water to the face. I was willing to soak Polycarp, and I am willing to soak you, if I have to.