Why won't they pay me!! Aaaah!!

I got back from my trip, filed my paperwork SEVEN DAYS ago, and they won’t gimme my money!! I gotta pay off my travel card, and they won’t do that either!! There must be a commie in there somewhere . . .

Whew. Thanks. Gotta vent. . . $800 or more better be in my bank account by tomorrow, or I’m going to riot . . .

Can you spare a fellah some change?

I’m assuming you’re talking about a failure on the part of your company to reimburse you in a timely fashion for travel-related expenses.

If this becomes a habit, I would suggest you do what I did with my former employer. I simply refused to incur any expenses on their behalf. One day, after getting an expense check two months late, I simply sent an e-mail to my supervisor and to the comptroller of the company. Something to the effect of the following…

Of course, this caused quite a stir, but I didn’t give a crap because I was ready to quit. I did, however, take one more trip before departing and airline tickets, hotel and meals were all pre-paid for that one.