Why'd they F' up Doritos?

Well, Frito Lay is based in Plano TX. I’ve heard that you can go to a store at their HQ and buy any flavour they ever made.

I can’t stand Doritos anymore, either. It doesn’t matter how few I eat, I have that taste in my mouth for the next 24-48 hours, despite frequent brushing and mouthwashing.

When I was a teen in the 80s (when Doritos were GOOD), my favorite meal consisted of Doritos, Mt. Dew and a Snickers bar. Mmmmm… No wonder I was chubby. :smack:

RE: Cool Ranch. I had never had them before, but I once made out with a guy in college who had just eated C.R. Doritos and it was disgusting. I’ve never touched a C.R. Dorito in my life before or after that. Ick.

Actually, IIRC, the change to Pringles (or one of the changes at least) was replacing partially-hydrogenated fat with cooking oil. Partially-hydrogenated is hardly natural: frankly lard would have been an improvement, health-wise.

And generally I think cooking oil (and lard) tastes better than partially-hydrogenated! Except in Pringles. I think the new ones are indeed worse.

Pringles in general are potato-based cardboard. They’re horrible. “Oh, I know! We’ll take a perfectly good potato, mash it, then form vaguely potato-chip-shaped pieces and bake them! I’m sure it’ll be more popular than actually slicing the potato and frying it!”

You’ve obviously never seen the potatoes they use to make Pringles. I’ve known people who grew them. Pringles got the grade F potatoes. For comparison, grade E potatoes were fed to animals.

It’s all about Zapp’s and Krunchers potato chips. The Lays, Ruffles, and Pringles of the world don’t even come close.

I saw those for the first time when I went on vacation to the PNW. Never, ever saw them in the Northeast. I almost got them – then someone said they were just plain so I got the black ones instead.

I only eat Cooler Ranch, and I couldn’t tell any difference when they changed from Cool Ranch.

Cooler Ranch with Newman’s Own Pineapple Salsa is my hangover cure of choice.

I hope I’ll be forgiven if I tell a joke that this thread brought to mind.

A guy goes to the doctor and says “Doc, my penis has turned orange.”

The doctor quizzes the patient about his sexual history and his medical background, and finally asks the patient to describe what he does during a typical day.

The patient says “Well, I wake up, I go to work. I work for eight or nine hours. I get in the car and I head home. And every night before I go to sleep, I eat a bag of Doritos while watching The Playboy Channel.”

Zapps are the good ol’ deep fried, thick cut, greasy-ass potato chips. Hard to find around here, they are made in Lousiana (or at least have a plant there). We supplied some equipment to Zapps a few years back and they sent us a really nice sampler of all their different flavors.

And yep, Doritos Without Crap = Tostitos.

Actually, I found that if you dip 3D Cool Ranch Doritos in Major Grey’s chutney, you get a taste sensation second to none. But they have to be the 3D Doritos…the regular Cool Ranch just won’t do. :smiley:

The green salsa Doritos are good with cottage cheese. Ranchero style is nasty no matter what. Even if you combined it with six Tequila shots, it’s still cat doodle flavored.

Nooooooo! I *like * Pringles, their disgustingness is part of their charm. But if they’re made from ooky potatoes, how can I enjoy them anymore? Since they’re always coming out with new flavors, I’m going to keep buying them, for research purposes. How else can I find out the white cheddar smells and tastes like barf, or the baccon doesn’t taste of baccon at all?

Unintentionally Blank– I once found a thumb-sized piece of Doritos flavoring. I couldn’t convince anybody to eat it, though. Spoil sports, the lot o’ them.

There used to be a brand of chips that I considered the pinnacle of nacho-flavored tortilla chip technology and have long mourned the passing of.

Bravos. They were ROUND instead of triangular. No sharp pointy dangerous corners. And the flavoring was…sublime. Incredible. Delicious. It was somehow fuller than Doritos flavor ever was, and a little warmer (not spicier, but warmer). And they disappeared at least 20 years ago. I still do a quick search of chip racks whenever I go shopping, just in case they suddenly break back into the market, but I haven’t seen them since 1985. :frowning:

Coincidentally enough, I went to the store today to buy chips, and noticed plenty of plain old toasted corn unflavored Doritos for sale.

I used to love Cool Ranch Doritos, but now I’m kinda tired of them. I prefer the taco flavored ones.

The original Nacho Cheese Doritos kept me alive through my teen years. I scarfed at least a bag a day. When they made them “Nacho Cheesier,” that orange stuff felt sticky and gummy. Ick. Plus, the taste is far too strong.

Didn’t like the Cool Ranch, but when pregnant, I liked the Cooler Ranch. Unfortunately, the taste remained for days and was less pleasant afterwards.

I’ve tried every variety except for the guacamole, which just can’t be good. The black pepper one isn’t hideous, but I would buy it again. Salsa verde isn’t bad, but it’s not something I want every day.

I remember the original, plain Doritos. Loved 'em. Not too salty, not too greasy.

I also remember the first taco flavored Doritos, which I liked in moderation. Then they went to the “Taco Bell flavored” ones, which just sucked in comparison.

Now I find most flavors to be too heavily seasoned. When my fingers are gluey after eating tortilla chips, something is not right.

Sigh, I miss my old Doritos.

[Homer Simpson]drool Taco Doritos![/Homer Simpson]
I know for a fact that my Beloved will lock me out of the house and ravage the first person who brings her a case of the original Taco flavored Doritos, male or female. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never knew the dang chips were gendered.

I loved Nacho Cheesier Doritos as a kid, but now all bright oranges food terrify me. Cheetos. Cheez Doodles. shudder Seriously. There is no natural, holy way to turn foods this color.