Wicker chickens and other assorted vegetables

Well, I had a lot of fun this weekend, but I had no clue that my nose could inhale that much dirt and store it in there. Blowing my nose and removing dirt and glitter seems to be a regular thing now, and the glitter is nearly impossible to remove. Damned faeries… well, he’s pretty kewl, except I have no need to be asked if I’m a friend of Dorothy when I’m supposed to be working. I realized that there are also a lot of stupid people that attend these faires. I have gotten several “Is that your real accent?” questions as well as people thinking I’m a vendor when I walk around in my wench garb. Fun, but at least I have enough knowledge about the products that they’re selling to answer questions or BS well about them. Hypergirl abandoned her position at the maze when her boyfriend showed up and she was not found for another three hours. She’s lucky the coordinator didn’t find out [yet]. And it seems that I may be being placed in charge of running the maze next weekend. I rather liked being in the faire all weekend, but it’s so strange returning to a normal time period and school all at once. I also need to get a watch, or I may be attacked by wicker chickens, or killed by fiery chi-chi. [I’ve been hanging around a lot of strange and fun souls, especially this guy Anthony. He wore a dress yesterday and pretended to be Julia Child’s arch nemesis for a while in front of a patron. Hey, at least I got a good view with him in tight spandex striped pants. LOL] I guess I may give more detail later when I can think more fully. faire thee well…