Last week, as I was getting ready for my morning shower, I found a smallish black and brown spider near the door hinge at the base of the shower door, as I approached the arachnid, I noticed she had a shiny black thorax and legs, and a round shiny abdomen, she’s about the size of a dime with her legs outstretched, and was in the middle of a small cobwebby web
I grabbed a spare Betta Death-Cup (the cup they sell the poor things in) and herded the spider into it and out of the shower, capped the cup, doubly inspected the shower, found no other “guests”, and proceeded to shower ad get ready for work, I brought her in with me, to inspect her more closely, to see if my gut instinct was right
I took her over to our neighbor store, where the woman there had been bitten by a Widow spider in the past, and asked her to confirm my hypothesis, that I had captured a Latrodectus variolus
Yep, positively identified, but for some strange reason, this widow doesn’t have the distinctive red coloration on the hourglass, under strong light though, the patterning is there, the broken hourglass and stripes are there, the red coloring is not
I have a Latrodectus variolus sitting right next to me in a Betta death-cup, and in all honesty, she’s pretty shy and nonaggressive, actually pretty boring to be honest, I’m going to find a nice open field in the middle of nowhere and let her free, she’s done nothing to harm me, then again, I get along pretty well with my arachnid friends, having a pet tarantula for a while must have given me good Spider-Karma
that said, I’m certainly going to be a lot more mindful about the nooks and crannies in our 200+ year old colonial house with granite basement…