Will a carport protect plants from a hard freeze? Need answer fast.

We had beautiful 60 degree weather Sunday. Tonight (Monday) our first winter front rolls in. It’ll be 28 degrees Tuesday.

I have some roses that I never got around to planting. It always managed to rain when I was off work.

What kills potted plants? The frost or cold temps? Are plants in a carport protected enough? I’m going to move them up against the wall of the house. Get them out of the wind as much as possible.

or should I bring them into the house?

Roses shouldn’t be harmed by 28 degrees.

It’d be a good idea to get them in the ground ASAP though (assuming winter is rigorous in your area).

I’ve been debating whether to plant the roses or wait until Spring. It’s supposed to warm back up this weekend. I could plant them then.

That sort of temp may knock blooms off, but won’t kill the plants. Mine have come back each spring (and often the stems don’t even die) from average winter lows around freezing, and occasional excursions down into the single digits.

In other words, my rosebushes out in an open bed in the yard survived all that snow and ice that plagued the Dallas Super Bowl a few years back.

Probably worth protecting the roots from frost - wrap the pots in old blankets, straw, newspapers or something.

What zone are you in? Most perennial plants and shrubs can be planted any time the ground isn’t frozen, and planting in the fall gives them time to develop a good root system before the heat of next summer—unless you’re in zone 5 or colder. In the colder zones, I’d put them someplace they won’t freeze and wait till early spring to plant.