Will Hillary Clinton be the next U.S. President?

Back to that again, are we? :stuck_out_tongue:

What name are you thinking of this month?

Is that already in your Predictions list?

Biden entering the race is on my prediction list. Winning the nomination remains to be seen.

A gap? really? Is there truly where things have descended?

Most voters won’t care, and those how are inclined to care weren’t going to vote for Hillary anyway, so no effect.

Her disapproval is a majority of Americans now. Looks like people care enough to keep her out of office. I said before that her approval is at Donald Trump levels, except that Trump got pissed off about not being #1 anymore and so sunk further down. But don’t worry, Clinton’s on his tail!

Quinnipiac just released some swing state polls:


Clinton is tied in Florida, losing handily in Ohio and Pennsylania. Polls released yesterday by NBC show her getting the holy hell kicked out of her against Republicans in IA and NH.

Didn’t you just finish telling “polls are always skewed”?

By a few points, yes, but we never know which way. And Clinton’s deficits in the four states other than Florida are big enough that skewing wouldn’t save her.

Seems to me that you’re counting on leopards changing their spots. Ohio and Pennsylvania will be carried by the Democrat no matter what the nominees are. RCP, in my opinion, is a Republican-leaning site and the polls they choose to carry are selected by the results they want to show.

How’s the Romney Administration been for ya?

Biden does much better than Hillary in those polls – is that mostly because Penns & Ohio are his home ground? (Rubio does about the same as Bush, slightly better in Ohio, slightly worse in Pennsylvania. :confused: )

Florida:         Bush vs. Biden        Bush 42, Biden 46       Biden +4
Florida:         Bush vs. Clinton      Bush 44, Clinton 43     Bush +1
Ohio:            Bush vs. Biden        Biden 46, Bush 37       Biden +9
Ohio:            Bush vs. Clinton      Bush 43, Clinton 41     Bush +2
Pennsylvania:    Bush vs. Biden        Biden 45, Bush 42       Biden +3
Pennsylvania:    Bush vs. Clinton      Clinton 40, Bush 46     Bush +6

So voters who say they’ll support Biden or Sanders but not Clinton are just… what?

They’re like the kid who won’t take his castor oil and swears he’ll hold his breath till he turns blue. When push comes to shove, they will hold their nose and vote for Hillary just as all Republicans held theirs and voted for Romney. Maybe Biden would do better, making it a tidal wave election rather than a mere landslide.

This is a different election. The same forces that are propelling Bernie Sanders are making life very difficult for Clinton/Bush types. The difference is that we know our big name can’t win. Democrats are the ones who refuse to accept the inevitable. Although I’m pretty sure their survival instinct will cut in before Iowa.

I’m not sure your side knows that Bush can’t win. They may very well still nominate him. Money talks, bullshit walks and all that. Republican dissatisfaction with Bush comes without Democrats forming farcical investigative committees about him and without Hate Radio vilifying him for over 20 years. I personally would rather see Biden nominated, but realistically there is no way any Democrat would lose to whoever emerges from the GOP clown car.

And this is why Hillary has no chance of losing.

The polls say otherwise. Trump is the only Republican who looks unelectable next to Clinton.

Biden, though kicks everyone’s ass. If the polls continue to show that after he’s been in the race a couple of months, I’ll be very interested in Clinton supporters explaining how she’s more electable. But heck, they also think she’s more experienced, so what can you do? Reality isn’t their strong suit.

The suit is not made of straw as the one you always reach for. Again, as it was wilfully ignored, I will be ok with Biden as the candidate, the problem is that Biden is also behind Clinton in the same polls anyhow.

Was PA considered a swing state in '08 and '12?