Will Sandusky be a man?

Right. If anything could even approach “being a man about it” at this point, it would be facing the music and taking his punishment.

mister nyx, had he done it when the story broke we would have had a large segment of the public crying out that he took the coward’s way out. The public need to make up their minds.

And Monty has a point, implicit in the idea that it would be the morally right thing for Sandusky to do, is the notion that death is the only possible suitable justice. But even in that case, authorities DO take care and make efforts to prevent those on death-row from “cheating the hangman”.

When I saw the thread title, I thought the OP meant “Will Sandusky take responsibility for his wrongdoing, admit all of his actions (including the ones he was charged with and any that have not yet come to light), and apologize to his victims?” I would call that “being a man.” Suicide under these circumstances is both deceptive and cowardly.

Okay, but my suggestion was that he should have killed himself prior to fucking any youngsters.

Moved from General Questions to [del]clairvoyance[/del] IMHO.

Correct on the lawsuit, most likely incorrect about the insurance.
Personal life insurance has a 2 year suicide clause. If the policy has been in force for more than 2 years it will pay the face value.

Death is too good for the bastard. I want to see him rot in prison.

'cuz Sandusky’s status as a “man” is what this is about. Oy.

Would his life insurance still be valid now that he’s a convicted felon and prison inmate?

And I believe insurance is paid out directly to the beneficiaries, not to the deceased’s estate, so it wouldn’t be available to satisfy civil judgements. (I’m ready to stand corrected if need be–this is some memory from law school many moons ago.)

Depends who’s designated as beneficiary of the policy. You can designate your estate as the beneficiary.

Paper towell tube tester.