Will Superman (or Clark Kent) ever have gay sex?

Beat me to it.

(Wonder Woman, that slut)

I think it’s inevitable, considering that the only being in the universe who could realisticly survive screwing Superman is Chuck Norris.

And Knockout got it on with Deadshot. Knockout doesn’t care where it is coming from, as long as she is getting it. Relationships are separate from sex. That’s one factor in favor of emigrating to Apokolips. :cool:

Superman is married, so any gay sex would have him cheating on Lois. That alone would prevent even the hint of such a coupling.

An imaginary story or far future or alternate world story could be done, but that’s still unlikely for a very long time.

Having brand new characters be gay or bisexual is an advance of sorts, but not at all the same thing as introducing it in a heterosexual icon. And having lesbian characters with big boobs and skin-tight costumes getting it on is done solely for the purpose of pandering to the audience. [Insert Power Girl joke here.]

Besides, after reading all the stupid homophobic jokes made here on a gay-friendly board just at the mention of the possibility, how do you think the real world would react?

And Jack Bauer. Don’t forget Jack Bauer OR MILLIONS WILL DIE!!!

Here’s a pretty comprehensive list of gay comic book characters.

Oh, pshaw. There must be a half-dozen easy ways for DC to turn Lois into a man. And then we’d get a married gay sex storyline.

In fact, I vaguely recall a Mr. Mxyzptlk story from waaaay back in the Silver Age, where Mxy switched the genders of everyone on Earth, 'cept for Supes. There was a fight with Wonder Man, and some confusion with Louis Lane. It’s probably even on superdickery, somewhere.

Nah, Wilfred Brimley did him twice.

Interesting post in a thread about gay sex. Is that a request? :wink:

Hmm, DC may have outdone this board when it comes to makes dumb homophobic jokes.

Closet Space


More importantly, will Superman ever have bizzarro gay sex?

Appears nowhere near the level of Marvel’s Freedom Ring – which I’ve never had the “pleasure” of reading, but which I’ve been entertained by many a rant about. Effeminite, purse-carrying gay superhero with stereotypical name who quickly gets killed. Hearing it described, I was surprised that they didn’t stuff him into a refrigerator, too.

Quesada’s usually so good at promotion, too. :smack:

Uh… wouldn’t that just be screwing Lois Lane?

We probably don’t want to know the answer to that question.

In hypertime, Superman is both gay and straight. Does that count?

Superman’s love for Lois is too central to the character.

So, no.

Wow, that is a good list. Very up to date, if not entirely detailed.

“You’d better hope not, cuz if [he] wanna, you’re gonna!”
(Originally heard spoken, years ago, by a burly 6-foot-plus folk singer to a heckler who yelled out “are you gay?”)

Anyway, there are two openly-gay male supporting characters in the DC title … “Manhunter”.

There was the Pink Kryptonite incident. No, not making it up. One of the last issues of the PAD Supergirl title, throwaway gag.