Will Superman (or Clark Kent) ever have gay sex?

I remember reading one article in which it was claimed that Paradise Island was a lesbian society and Wonder Woman was involuntarily exiled from it because she was a heterosexual. Her supposed mission of peace to the outside world was just a cover story.

That’s cute, but it isn’t canon. Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons and Diana’s mother liked guys, for one. She slept with Wildcat.

Which means Wildcat wins. In your face, Ollie.

It’s simply that I disagree that there’s any more homophobia going on here than I find heterophobia in MOSWOK - and perhaps about the same giggling at the inherent ridiculousness of the sex act in either orientation.

I was going to mention Maggie Sawyer, who was painted as purely gay at around about the time of The Return Of Superman and also as no more than [Granny Weatherwax]“handsome, considering”[/GW] - certainly not standard lesbian-to-titillate-the-straight-adolescent fare. But on Googling it seems that she works both sides of the street, and also varies considerably in attractiveness, which rather weakens the point.

I don’t know how many that “several” is, really, but when Kupperberg edited WW, he hinted that DC was uncomfortable doing more than hinting that there was (practical/situational) lesbianism on Paradise Island, but that he himself saw the Amazons as lesbian. And his writers (Loebs & Byrne) wrote Diana as uninterested in lesbian sex (but then, she had no love life at all for about 5 years there :eek: ).

The thing is, Batman & Wonder Woman are special cases. Batman is written as straight but popularly perceived as gay. Wonder Woman is …perceived very differently by different people. But even there, the default line is that they are straight, period. It’s even more true for Supes.

Oh, I’m a huge fan of Pru’s as well! I really liked Conflicts a lot, but I confess to starting to lose interest about halfway through Visiting Hours. It just seemed to drag a bit after awhile. I like her SGA better.

Hmm…you know, now that you mention it…Supes and Flash could both top and bottom at the same time. >_>

Excuse me while I fix whatever loose screw caused me to imagine that scenario…

You know, I have the same problem. When I reread 'em, I always skip all the high school and Smallville stuff and only read the begining and ending of that one. But I love the AU Lex/Clark relationship.

[Totally Off-topic]SGA is my favorite fandom! Although I’ve started reading Supernatural since Astolat has started writing it. I’ll read almost anything she writes.[/off topic rambling]

Update: Answer to OP- almost. Actually “Superman II” Clark and Lois’s son, but yeah.

The real question should be “Is he still faster than a speeding bullet?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Actually, this is Thooperman.

Is homosexuality a symptom of red krytonite exposure?


Have they ever shown any of these characters masturbating?

The closest thing to a masturbating superhero is Homelander.

There was the hilarious, pornographic, utterly non-safe for work parody “Superfag”. (If I can ever figure out what replaced the old noparse command I’ll post a link.)

ETA: use back-ticks or the preformatted code button. Spoilered for extra security (did I mention utterly NSFW?


I can’t directly link to it, but there’s also The Pro, wherein a Superman Expy gets a handjob and his Super-swimmers knock down a plane. Written by Garth Ennis, of course. :roll_eyes: