Will The Republicans ever figure out why they lost?

You have the advantage of me, I only know one thing about you, and am not inclined to know more.

If you haven’t found a plausible theory through Google by now, you never will.

I will mark you down as one who just likes to see his name in print.

I know whats what…that is the simple truth.

I will reveal it very soon.


Let’s see… Dismissing minorities, condescension, promising us the details of his brilliant insight Real Soon Now[sup]TM[/sup]; I think Jack really does know why the Republicans lost.

otherwise someone would know what I am talkiing about…so far only one poster has even come close to citing the the truth of the matter.

Not sure what you mean, but Silver always had Obama winning. He had Obama ahead in electoral votes at every moment, usually by margins close to the actual numbers, and they are the only things that count. So did RealClearPolitics. Romney was never ahead thre at any time by an agglomeration of state polling results. Even Karl Rove’s site said this. The polls as a group, when averaged together, were consistent and right from the very beginning to the end. Again, I referenced them repeatedly for 18 months so there shouldn’t be any doubt about this. Obama was known to be the winner before any of the primaries. The only people who said otherwise were the delusional and those who had an investment in the horse race scenario.

heh heh I know alright…but no genius required…just some ability to analyze the statistics of the election accurately…the reason most cannot do this is not that they are dumb…they are just too indoctrinated into a particuarly fallacious mindset.

You’re new here, so even though you should have already been able to figure this out, I’ll be blunt: people here hate this kind of crap. Spit it out already.

I’m sure you do, just like Romney’s tax plan would have paved the way to prosperity. Oh, what could have been, if only he hadn’t had to withhold the details from our feeble little minds.

Oh, shit! Romney’s gay? Is that it?

Whilst I wait for more results let me explain something that a poster brought up…regarding my use of the term ‘mexican’.

The simple truth is there is no such thing as a hispanic…that is just a pc term the liberals adopted because for some reason they consider ‘mexican’ a bad woid.

Now Straight Ahead for the Straight Dope

The term “Hispanic” as a contrived governmental pc label with no validity that has taken root worldwide. I tell anyone who will listen that there is no such thing as a Hispanic or Hispanic culture. Further, there are 21 individual countries around the world that speak Spanish with, in most cases, the Spanish language being the only thing they have in common. Unfortunately, this false term has now become synonymous with being in favor of or supporting illegal immigration. It is my contention that both the term and premise are wrong.

Futhamoe… for every illegal working in a vegetable market or construction site, there is a wife and multiple children being supported by “we the taxpayers of this nation.” They use our schools, health facilities, social welfare resources, and infrastructure while contributing little or nothing to the public coffers. A good portion of their illegal income (illegal because they do not have the right to work here) is a large part of their native country’s gross national product. We know that countries like Mexico depend on these illegally obtained American dollars to bolster their failing economies and relieve political and social unrest.

Further, I am against all of these celebrations and parades in honor of this false title and premise. There are, however, 44 countries that speak English. Using the very same criteria that is used to put all immigrants (legal and illegal), and the descendants of people who came from a Spanish speaking countries together as “Hispanic,” I’d like to see the descendants of these 44 English speaking countries bound together, as we are, under a term such as “Britannic.” Further, I would like to see them marching down Fifth Avenue in New York City celebrating “Britannic Culture,” “Britannic Music,” “Britannic food” . . . get the picture? I myself will accept the term Hispanic when all the English speaking people of the world start calling themselves “Britannic.”

Who is responsible for propagating the notion that the United States of America is the only nation in the world that does not have the right to protect its borders or enforce its laws? The liberals of course.

Further, this is the only nation in the world where someone can enter illegally then protest en masse demanding amnesty and rights. We who are patriots say the only rights that an illegal alien should have in United States are the rights to be detained and deported.

Believe me, this is preferable to his bleating about the White Working Class.

Uh Oh! Someone is on to me…must be another refugee from the political forms following me around bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Have you had Brittanic food?

Hardly. A google search for smilinjack + “mexican vote” is not exactly rocket science.

If you take an appropriately skeptical view of Florida and Ohio, the Republicans have lost every Presidential election since 1988.

Factually ludicrous. Morally indefensible.

The evil liberals did not cause the Republicans to lose. The evil conservatives who believe in racial bigotry caused the Republicans to lose. They will continue to lose every Presidential election until this scurrilous belief is expunged from the thinking of the party.

That’s just a prediction. But I’m really good at predictions.

You predicted accurately but for the wrong reason…anyone who knows much about repubs…understands they are just as pc as the democrats…in fact very little difference between a repub and a donkey.

These damn computers…i long for the day when one could cross a state line and begin a new life. heh heh