Will the woman who tatooed stars on her face have a normal life?

That guy looks like a creature from some sci-fi B-movie.

Some artists DO refuse to do facial tattoos, for this reason.

But have you seen the picture of this guy? His face is far, far more extreme than the girl he tattooed, so I can’t see why it’s assumed he would know this would bite him in the ass - he sees much more extreme body modification every day, so it’s not like her request would be that unusual.

The tattoos don’t bother me, really - I’m a fan, generally, though I don’t really like how they look on her.

I’m pretty appalled at how far she went to throw this guy under the bus for HER decision, though. I think blaming other people for her own stupid mistakes is pretty low. Even though she came forward, I bet his business is affected somewhat.

Actually, it sounds like he figured it would be cheaper to pay for half of the cost of removal, then to pay for ALL of the cost of a court trial, when he gets sued. It’s just like how companies will settle things out of court, for an undisclosed amount, because it’s cheaper to do it that way.