Will the woman who tatooed stars on her face have a normal life?

She is 18. While legally an adult, I know an awful lot of 18 year olds who don’t think through their actions.
Perhaps the long term result of all this is that she will be forced to grow up a little quicker.

And a lovely person doesn’t fraudulently make accusations against what appears to be an honest business man.

…which theoretically should do the job, but it won’t cover my dark purple tatt.

First impressions matter and by doing this she has has limited herself in jobs she can get and people who will date her.

I suppose she could always work for a tattoo parlor.

I’m not sure what will make it harder for her to get a job, the tattoo or the fact that she’s retarded.

She looks disgusting, probably on par with that guy who had his body taken over by a fungus and began resembling a tree. I would hate to be eating out with her at the next table. Would not hit, but would club that.

OoOoo I like hers, and the little bit under her right eye.

Now if that was the effect she wanted, she should have taken in the picture …

But a lot of artists I know wont duplicate other artists tats on people.

Oh come on, you have to have a little imagination. She could be a guitar player for KISS or a tour guide along the hollywood walk of stars.

I agree with the sentiment, and he was within his rights, but here is how it should have gone down:

18 year old girl enters
18 year old girl: I would like 53 stars on my face.
tattoo guy: No.

Seriously, it was a really bad move on his part. He had to know that this was going to come back to bite him in the ass.

Yah, but I saw some photos of this guy. I can believe it went down like this:

girl: I would like 53 stars on my face.
tattoo guy: tattoos on your face are the coolest thing ever. Let’s go!

He’s a tattoo guy. Give him a break.

He might offer half-off on a 2nd session ‘touch up’.

I’m looking at the photo of the tattoo artist and I am STILL not finding any lips.

WTF are those things on his nostrils? Bottle caps?

From a distance it’s going to look like a skin disease, particularly because people are not used to seeing stars tattooed there.

When he snores it must sound like wind chimes.

I think it looks pretty, and I’m not even a big tattoo person.

Those are nose plugs - they are for when you stretch a piercing to bigger and bigger sizes. Here’s the wiki link: Stretching (body piercing) - Wikipedia There was a fellow around here that would sit at outdoor cafes that had stretched the area between his lower lip to a good inch or more and would smoke some sort of pipe through it.

I’ve always wondered about how stretching cartilage areas affects the body over time (especially the septum) - when the body ages, what happens to the holes? Does the nose (or whatever) ever collapse?

Wait, why would he offer to pay for the removal BEFORE she went public? I would assume laser surgery costs a pretty penny? Is that standard practice for tattoo artists dealing with unhappy customers? Because that doesn’t really sound to me as a generous offer so much as the tattoo artist realizing he did a crappy job.

The quote from the psychologist cracked me up:

I wonder if they are that sensitive in their sessions: “I hear you’re feeling suicidal. It is no wonder: you’re a giant loser and there is no hope for you whatsoever.”

All I have to say is, I thank my lucky stars (ahem) that I’ve never been drunk AND next to a tattoo parlour at the same time.

An ethical place won’t tattoo you if you’re drunk or obviously impaired.

The girl’s impulsive, but she’ll live. An sales job would be tough, but as WhyNot says, she probably didn’t want one. And I don’t think the tattoo guy should have known better: my impression was that she only cooked up the “I only wanted three tattoos and fell asleep” story after her parents saw what she looked like, and flipped out. So she did a typical kid thing and blamed someone else, and made up a ridiculous lie. Which doesn’t speak well for her as a person at all. Perhaps she’ll learn a lesson from that.

I hear that Burkas ‘r’ Us are hiring :stuck_out_tongue: