Will this video card work in this Machine?

I’m in the process of aquiring bits to upgrade my poor PC.

Top of the list is more RAM and a new Video card.

Will this card work in this machine?

I’m running Vista home basic, and haven’t done anything to it so far.

Thanks Dopers!

The machine has a 250W power supply - the card needs at least 350W:

Upgrading the power supply to something more beefy shouldn’t be much of a problem, though.

Excellent, thank you Fritz!

This is, if I am reading correctly, an ATX computer? I don’t want to get a power supply that won’t work. That would suck rocks.

Your motherboard is a Micro-ATX form factor, I haven’t found what size the PSU is.

Parts page.Your PSU is an ATX form factor.

As Fritz pointed out, you will need a higher wattage PSU.

I’m looking on TigerDirect for power supplies, and I see a ton of ATX power supplies, but only 3 that are mATX, or labelled as Micro ATX. Am I looking at the right thing?

Look at the standard ATX PSUs. Corsair is an excellent brand.