Will Trump's tariffs help him in the next presidential election?

It wasn’t even that. It was “Get in my van and we’ll go snatch candy from other children!” Everyone who got in that van is complicit with the mayhem.

It’s not the steel mill that closes - it’s the automobile parts manufacturer or the construction company.
I’d wager the Chinese steel Trump uses for his buildings will get an “exception”, though.

This reminds me of watching John Oliver the other day, when he was doing a story about crypto currencies.

Part of his segment talked about pump and dumping the currecnies. Where you would get investors to buy in, driving up the price, then sell it to other investors, who would get left holding the bag.

The interesting thing about it was that they were telling you straight up that it was a con game, and that you were going to be in on the con, and it was these other suckers that were going to be screwed over while you got rich. What they don’t tell you is they gave you the same exact pitch that they will be giving these other suckers.

Everyone is so excited to be part of the con, to be the one doing the screwing for a change, that they don’t realize that they are bent over with their pants around their ankles.

No, I said steel mill, and I meant steel mill. See Fear Itself’s post, and the story it linked.

And that’s a possible loss of 600 steel workers. Compare that to the 200,000 manufacturing jobs lost the last time a steel tariff was considered a bright idea. I don’t feel much sympathy for Trump voters that got exactly what they voted for - I feel for the industry that could erase an entire month’s worth of created jobs in order to boost one that’s 1% of their size.

But it’s not the numbers that matter. Get just one steel executive on TV saying that he’s having to lay off steelworkers because of the tariff, and a lot more than those 600 will hear that message. Tariffs are popular because, as you say, the few who benefit know very clearly that they benefit, but a little messaging like that, and they won’t know that clearly.

Yes, and you have to read the article closely. Typically, I think of a steel mill as a company that MAKES steel. It this case, this company took existing imported steel (from Russia I think) and reforms it. ‘Milling it’.

In any case, I believe the 25% tariff will drive up the end product that construction projects use, or consumers buy.

My BIL is the CEO of a small manufacturing plant. They make valves and fittings for the oil industry. He’s doing quite well right now and is a trump supporter. But, I wonder if the cost of HIS raw materials (steel and I suppose cast iron and aluminum) goes up, how happy he’s going to be about his choice to vote for trump.

Don’t worry, he’ll find some fantasy way to blame the Dems (and Obama, of course) for anything negative that happens.

It doesn’t appear the tariffs helped him (R’s) in the election yesterday, located in steel country.

Map of PA steel country. PA18 is at that cluster in the far west of the state.


China imposes 25% tariff on US pork and other agricultural products

So any gains in steel and aluminum would have to be weighed against losses in agriculture. Red state agriculture.

Depending on what is on that list, very blue CA may well be hurt. Though fair to say the pain may end up being distributed more heavily in the redder areas of the state.

Yeah, not a lot of pork and fruit coming from the coast. Central Valley gets hit by the Chinese. Remember the EU threats against Harley Davidson, bourbon and blue jeans? That hits home districts for Ryan, McConnell and Pelosi…

Trade wars are so easy to win :dubious:

Trump’s Tariffs Are Hurting American Factories After Prices Skyrocket

US stock market slides as China retaliates to Trump tariffs

Will Trump Crash the Farm Economy?

China tariffs could be ‘tip of the iceberg’ in a ‘long, entrenched trade war’

Trump’s Latest China Tariffs Could Hurt Tech—and Even Social Media

Trump’s tariffs will hurt all of his beloved fossil fuels

Man, I am tired of all this winning.

So - Silver lining: still think the tariffs are going to help Trump in the next presidential election?

Steel tariffs raising prices on farm equipment

I think RickJay’s post earlier in the thread was pretty solid. Trump might actually benefit politically from the appearance of standing up to China, Mexico, and other perceived adversaries. Americans have for years assumed we’re being taken advantage of and tariffs are a way to slap the political world order in the face, which is what many of Trump’s voters voted for.

I don’t think that voters are automatically going to make the connection between retaliatory measures and Trump’s decisions to start a trade war, and even if they do make that connection, it’s not clear that they would necessarily blame Trump - they might still blame China and whoever for being manipulative. It could even stoke intense nationalism and anti-Chinese sentiment.

As RickJay said, be careful about assuming that people perceive this the same way the New York Times and the Economist see it. Even if Paul Krugman’s spot on, economically speaking, he could be getting the political optics dead wrong. What I would say, though, is that while people may not identify specific policies that Trump has flubbed, in the larger scheme, I think Trump’s economic incompetence generally will hurt him, and this is one of several policies that will hurt his standing.

He should raise chickens so they have somewhere to roost.

Trump admits tariffs could cause ‘pain’ in markets

When he says, “we”, he means you.

[sarcasm analogous to gun nuts’ bleatings]:
The country is still in mourning from the latest tragic blunder to come out of Trump’s tweet-hole … and you guys are trying to make this about politics? Have you no decency? Let the country recover from its grief, please, before resuming the political rants.

Why is it fine that the EU imposes tariffs on Chinese steel because of dumping allegations but wrong when Trump does it?
