Will Xbox continue into the next generation?

There’s a little info here.

This may deserve its own thread, but: Nvidia buys XBox brand from Microsoft.

I’m not sure that article is real given it’s the worst day on the Internet and the 04/01/2025 release date they provided.

I’m not sure if you are kidding, but I believe that is an April Fool’s joke.

Don’t believe anything you read on the internet on April 1st. Or ever really without corroborating I guess. Still, words to live by.

I’ve been following some of the Microsoft Xbox stuff casually. Between them going third party on certain titles, the success of game pass, the fact that Nintendo keeps demonstrating that success in gaming is not necessarily tied to money spent on hardware, my own thinking on this is that we might see the next Xbox be just a streaming box. That you purchase along with the game pass subscription. I’m sure there are issues with this that I can identify at the moment, let’s just call it a hunch.

That or they could, depending on how successful going third party is, maybe release game pass on other platforms? Xbox then becomes a gaming brand more than an actual platform? Similar to steam?

With my tax refund this year I decided it was time to upgrade. My old computer was about 10 years old, and I own a switch and an original Xbox one. I was briefly considering a series x or maybe a PS5, but I figured getting a modern gaming PC would be a better investment for me. So that was the route I took. Still I was a big fan of the 360, and I don’t think the Xbox one was the complete failure that it appeared to be at first. At least I it’s been my primary gaming platform for like a decade now and I’ve been very happy with it. I wouldn’t be happy to see Xbox leave the hardware market entirely, but it’s just one of those things that happens.

That’s pretty much where I’m at, but I haven’t pulled the trigger on buying a gaming PC. And I’m still enjoying replaying some of my older games on the Xbox One, but I’m starting to get some diminishing returns.

The thing that made me decide finally to upgrade was not being able to play baldur’s gate 3 and only being able to play starfield through Xbox game pass cloud streaming.

I could get both of those with a series x, but then I figured I could get those on steam with a good PC Plus all of the PS4 era games that I’ve never been able to play. Right now the only game I’m interested in that I don’t have access to his final fantasy 16. Hoping there will be a steam version of that someday.

It’s doable - the Steam Deck is not PS5 powerful, but it’s not that far off. A next gen handheld could get there.

But that’s never been Nintendo’s MO when it comes to developing consoles.

The even better margin comes from all the people who never use their gift cards. Every year, the company can write off some of their gift card liability as revenue.

About 6-10% of gift cards will never be used. Free money!

I’m with ya, PC gaming is king. And XBOX exclusive titles are always “XBOX and PC” so that’s fantastic.

It just leaves one waiting for PS exclusive titles, of which there are some good ones. The Horizon series is one I waited for for a long time, but both games are on PC now. And Ghosts of Tsushima, a game I was hyped for since release, is FINALLY coming to PC!

I saw Ghosts of Tsushima is coming. It’s…not a souls-like is it? I see it might have difficulty settings, which I really need. I’m a wimp and don’t have time for Elden Ring type games. I mean, I played Elden Ring up to about the 75%(?) mark, but I honestly found it to be too much for me.

(I got to the Fire Giant in Elden Ring)

It’s an open world action-adventure RPG (I think like Witcher, or Horizon, etc) where you play as a Samurai who is fighting off the Mongol invasion of Japan

Steam Deck isn’t even the most powerful handheld, it just hits a nice spot between price/power/battery/screen. I think the offerings from ASUS, Lenovo, etc out-muscle it in processor/GPU power though

Cool. I"ll probably play it.

Absolutely. Getting access to Sony exclusive games was a major part of my decision to go with a PC. Tsushima is a big one and I’m glad to see it’s officially coming. I knew I wanted to play baldur’s gate 3 and starfield, (yes I know starfield has major issues, a lot of which I agree with, but I was still curious enough to want to try it out and I’m sure the mod scene is doing its thing right now). Not to mention I know there’s a bunch of stuff that gets released on steam that doesn’t go anywhere else and things like easy mod use and fan made games that I’d want to try out. When I weighed the pros and cons for me personally, it just made more sense to do this rather than another console right now.