Will Your Body Automatically Fix a Bad Crick in Your Neck?

I slept wrong I guess and for a week and a half my neck, back and shoulder have been killing me.(dang it I never have any painpills when I need’em) Anyway, I was wondering does your body after a while fix the problem or do you need to go to a massuse(sp) or a chiropractor to get it fixed.

Also just as general knowledge how long does it in school to become a chiropractor?


If you’ve been in pain for a week and a half, I’d say that you have evidence that your body isn’t going to fix itself in this case. Go see a doctor before you wind up with permanent damage.

AFAIK, certification as a chiropractor requires attendance at a short seminar. Most Chiros are already MDs, but I’m not sure if it’s a requirement. I say again, go see a doctor.

Mine still hasn’t, and it’s been just about a week.

A massage might help (a legit massage, I mean, though those ‘other’ massage parlors might take your mind off the pain for a little while;)), but a chiropractor (one with an actual medical degree, preferably) would probably be a better idea.


Uh, folks, you do know that chiropractors aren’t medical doctors? They don’t go to med school, they have their own training schools. (There may be some who are MD’s, but it is by no means a requirement or even standard.)

If you’re back or neck is still hurting after a week, and you can’t get it to relax by stretching or perhaps a massage, then talk to your doctor - your medical practitioner. (You do have a primary care physician, don’t you?) He can determine if you need muscle relaxers, or if physical adjustment is indicated. If so, he can recommend a physical therapist or chiropractor or someone qualified to adjust your back, without going off on all the pseudoscience nonsense that makes up chiropractic.

Last time this happened to me (about 4 months ago) I went to a walk-in clinic. Doctor offered me a choice of physiotherapy, massage, or acupuncture-- all (mostly) covered by health care here in Brtish Columbia.

I chose massage.