Win Fax Cover Pages Help

I’m using WinFax PRO 10.01 to send out faxes at work.

My boss has asked that I send out a personalised fax to our members.

Problem is I already had the fax all typed up to go on our company fax header in MS Word (2002 Office XP professional).

I can go file, print, winfax from word and it will send the document out to all the recipients I select. But I can’t figure out how to personalise it.

From the win-fax help menu it seems that I would have to import another database into MS Word and use the MS Word mail merge feature to personalise the fax. But as I already have all the details I need in my Win-Fax phone book I’d rather not do that.

If I used a Win-Fax cover page it would personalise my fax but it would not have our company logo etc on it. To keep the business looking professional I need to use the same fax header all the time. Win-Fax wont import MS Word documents to use as cover pages so I can’t do that either.

Any-one able to help me figure out how to merge my MS Word based fax to send through Win-Fax? Without having to create new databases? Thanks

Run a mail merge in Word and send out the resulting documents.