Win Xp - Disk Check

With windows 98, I used to occasionally run a utility called disk check (or something like that) which would scan the disk and repair any problems.

Since upgrading to Windows XP, I have not been able to find any such utility. Has this procedure been automated, or am I just unable to find it?

Try chkdsk. From the run menu.

Thanks! Why is this not listed in the program menu under System Tools as it used to be?

It is, but it’ll prompt you to run it while booting in XP instead of running it right away.

or you can use the non-command line version under your drive properties/tools/error checking.

Hmmm…not in my version.

Try: Chkdsk/p

This checks everything.

If you’re really into adventure, try START: h

Input in the instruction manual search box: chkdsk

Just to expand on this is you’re still not sure where to find it.

This is done from “My Computer” either from the desktop icon or Start/My Computer.

Right click the drive that you want to error check.

Then as shijinn said.

That worked fine for me. I just couldn’t figure why this option is not listed in my system tools menu…