Win XP update problem?

Does anyone know if there’s a general problem with Win XP users being able to use the Windows Update site? It gets to the part where it’s search for updates, and then says there’s an error. Looking at the bulletin boards attached to Windows Update, it seems like there might be a problem for all users of XP, but nothing specific, and of course Microsoft itself doesn’t seem to be interested in publicizing this anywhere easily accessible. Is there a solution, or does anyone know when they expect it to be solved? Or do I need to just downdate all my updates from the last couple months?

Sorry I can’t tell you what the problem is with your PC, but I can confirm that there’s no general problem with the winupdate site. I’ve got WinXP Home, and have been getting the updates by going there without any problems. Just tried it now, and it’s working fine, apparently (it said there are no updates for my machine, so I’m assuming it’s working fine - no error message, certainly).

Maybe the website is flooded with all those people with their new PCs trying to get updates? You could wait for another period.

Also, do a traceroute from your computer to MS to see if all computers & hubs on the route there are working.

What error does it give? It’s possible that your Windows Update ActiveX control is corrupted. You might want to remove it and download a fresh copy. It’s usually in C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files. Right-click Update Class and hit Remove. Reboot and go back to Windows Update. You shoud be prompted to accept the control before the Scan For Updates link appears.

Going to Tools|Internet Options and hitting Delete Cookies and Delete Files also might help.

In WinXP, Update Class is in c:\winnt\downloaded program files.

Might be using devils own copy and trying to get service pack 1.

No, not by default. The systemroot directory is c:\windows in Win9x and XP. It’s c:\winnt in NT and 2000.