Windows 2000 Shared printers

Yeah, I now have users with Windows 2000.
How can you share a printer between Win 2000 PCs without being an administrator?

I have experience with NT. Windows 2000 is it’s replacement, so I would expect the same controls for the administators to stop user changes.

The computer with the printer must be set for sharing by an administrator. Once that is done, depending on how things are set up, if your computer has access rights to that computer this might work. Run “Install new printer” choosing that networked printer. You will need to know the computer’s network name, so you choose the right network path and printer.

Free service, no charge, no warranty!

Everything is cool so long as everyone is an administrator.
Users that are not administrators cannot see the shared printer even if the printer was mapped to that PC.

If only administrators can see the printer, it sounds like the access rights for that printer need to be adjusted so that the desired users have access to it.