Windows 8 settings

My old laptop decided to die this week so I got a new one and decided to give Windows 8 a chance. So far I’m pretty impressed… except the clock and date are off. I can see where to change the time zone and it used to be pretty close in time, but was a day off. Trying to re set this I realized my time zone was set to Pacific time (I’m on Eastern). I re-set it, and it still thinks it is the 9th, but now it thinks it is 5:43 am when it is really 2:47 pm on the 8th.

I always assumed this was automatically synced like the cable box etc. How do I set it so it will show the correct date and time?

Try right-clicking on the clock on the desktop, select adjust date/time. There should be an option on the window that pops up to change date and time, or you can select the Internet time tab to set it to automatically synchronise, and also update now.

On the desktop, right-click on the clock and select Adjust date/time. Or on the start screen, type date, select Settings, and Date and Time.

Click Change date and time…, and set the date and approximate time. Click OK, then select the Internet Time tab.

Click Change settings…, then Update now.

Worked… thanks

For access to lots of other settings and utilities, take your mouse cursor to the bottom left of the screen and right-click - you get a menu with Control Panel and a whole load of other stuff.