Windows ME fatal exception error question...

I keep getting a blue screen with the following information:

Error 0E : 0028 : FF0449E8

I can’t find it anywhere online so does anyone know what it is and how I can fix it? Thanks!


What was your computer doing at the time you got the error?

I just left it on and I get that blue screen. I don’t always have to do anything; it just happens. It’s even happened again when I’m restarting my computer after the first time. In any case, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Can you help?

Have you made a lot of changes to the system? Perhaps some other program is causing this error. How long has this been happening? Do you use the Restore function? I usually set a restore point before I load in new software.

Worst case scenario: reload the OS.

I bought this system used from a friend in summer of last year. As far as I can remember, it’s been happening all of that time. I have used system restore as well as reloading Win ME from a disc but it still happens. I wonder if Win ME is just not stable or what. Some people have told me Win 2000 or Win XP would be better. Is that true?

I know that if you leave your computer on all the time, Windows gets loopy. A daily reset usually fixes that. If the computer was an off-the-shelf type, it should come with a system restore disc or discs. That will allow you to take the computer back to Day One. The major downside is that you’ll have to reload ALL the software that’s been added since then. I had to do this once. It sucks, but it did solve my problems.

If you decide to do this, be sure to backup all of your data files created by those programs.

When you get a message, there is supposed to be a button called DETAILS you push that & it gives more details…

As this is the BSOD, it should also name the executable that caused the exception. What is it? Is it always the same? Is the memory address always the same regardless of what programs you were running and regardless of what you were doing? Is there no other discernable pattern - that is, sometimes it happens when the comp is on for an hour, sometimes 24 hours or more etc? If the ONLY common link is the memory address that may actually point to a physical problem with the physical RAM chip.

Better to look for some pattern - is there a specific program always running when this happens (even if it is only a TSR)? Are there two programs which may not play well together? Is there a fan not working in the system that may be causing high temps inside the case? This last one is tricky but can often explain why things go wrong only after the comp is on for a while.

ME, as part of the 9X does have some kernel stability issues, which are improved, though not resolved with NT/2K/XP. Upgrading to XP can improve performance, and should lessen though not eliminate the need to perform resets to clear memory leaks. However, if the root cause is a hardware, driver, or software issue, upgrading is not really going to solve your problem. Look for the pattern, gather more info.

deathawk, the last three times I got that blue screen I got this exact message:


An error has occurred. To continue:

Press enter to return to windows or

Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart your computer.
If you do this, you will lose any unsaved information
in all open applications.

Error: 0E : 0028 : FF0449E8

Press any key to continue.
The fan seems to be working so I don’t think that is the problem. And I know you’re trying to find a pattern here but I don’t think there is one. I can just be surfing the net and it will happen or I may be listening to some music and the same thing will occur. Sometimes, I get that blue screen after a few minutes, other times, my PC will be on all day with no problems. This just has me confused.

I’ve also gotten the message “Windows Protection Error – you must restart your computer” message a few times as well. Any ideas? :confused:

Twit Death hawk pointed out - this is the BSOD (Blue Screen of death)

Ther are a few main reasons for this.

Check ventalation first … make sure it is good and you puter aint (too) hot.

What apps are running at the time … remember those pretty buttons near your time are running also - remove all of them (that are non windows)

Your Sys may be down - go into ADD/Remove and kill of as much as you can.

Run scan disk and defrag.

If all thise does not fix it - format your system - “its the only way to be sure”

trader, for now, I’m gonna go on the assumption that this problem I’m having is a very simple one. If it is a problem with ventilation, I will put a fan I have by the CPU to provide extra breathing room. FYI, my PC is in the corner of my room, with the CPU about 2 feet from the wall. Maybe it needs more “space”.

Anyway, since this problem seem to happen at random, this may be the problem. I will try the scandisk option again. I have also defragged many times but still have had the problem. I’ll let you know if using the extra fan will help. Thank you to ALL who have helped me!

Erik :slight_smile:

I deal with Me by just turning the computer off when not in use, it likes that.