windows Mode?

hello all, Im hoping I can explain this right, yesterday my son was on computer, a screen came on said something to the affect for someone to pick a mode for windows to be in, 1-was normal, 2-was i dont remember, and 3 was safty mode, right now my pc is on safety mode, it only allowed 30 seconds to sellect1-2-or 3, well by the time i sat down to read it it was on 27 seconds. and it chose safety mode, now some of my picytures and whatnot dont come out clear. can anyone help me place it back on normal mode. and has this happened to anyone else. hope its not to complicated Im not good at this :smack:
thanks all

When Windows has a problem on bootup and cannot load fully, it reboots and gives you those choices. Choice 2 is probably logged, but that’s not important. Reboot your computer and watch the screen. If you get any errors and it reboots again and gives you those choices, you’ll need to reinstall Windows. If it reboots normally, you should be ok, although you might want to run a scandisk to see if there are any problems.

But this problem didnt happen on booting up, just came on screen
didnt have enough time to choose normal mode.
anyway to do thos manually

> But this problem didnt happen on booting up, just came on screen
> didnt have enough time to choose normal mode.
> anyway to do thos manually

When Windows is booting, watch for the message “Starting Windows…”

When you see that message, hit F8. (or is it F6?..)

One of those. :slight_smile:


That does not sound right, you will only get the option to start in Safe Mode when the machine is booting up. It probably crashed and restarted and that is what you saw. Once you shut down normally (Start, Shut Down) it should resume with the regular Windows screens you are used to.