Windows Update problem

This problem has happened ever since I got my new computer - lets just say I hate WinMe with a passion and leave it at that.

I go to Windows Update to download the IE 5.5 SP1, and the computer downloads it, tries to install, then this error comes up:

“A previous program installation was never completed. You need to restart your computer to complete that installation before running Internet Explorer Setup. Setup will now close.”

Any ideas?

You could try restarting the computer. :smiley:

Thank you for the insight.

It happens every time I attempt it, even off of a fresh reboot. It’s happened since I opened the box.

You can start by looking at some of these knowledgebase articles and see if they help:


In general, you should start your search here and input the text of the error message. Microsoft has some of the best online help available, and it is quite likely that someone has experienced a similar problem before.

Hope this helps. Good luck.