Windy City - you guyssure aren't kidding, are you?

There is still an interactive fountain you can play in, if you’re little. And we went on the Ferris Wheel. And looked at all the ships. And people-watched. And just relaxed, and unwound - it is a very relaxing place in the middle of the day, with a lovely breeze blowing in from the water.

I grew up in Detroit, as I said, so I kind of miss the ambience of the Great Lakes. I haven’t ever seen other bodies of water with the same charm.

I think you guys did just fine. I always take out of towners up Michigan Ave on their first day. Start at the art museum, millennium park, work our way north, going in and out of the malls and stores, getting snacks and lunch along the way, ending at navy pier with dinner and maybe an imax movie, or if there’s something going on at the theater, maybe check that out. Makes for a very full day!