I have changed a light fitting and must have put the wires back wrong as the light switch to the bathroom now switches on the light to the bedroom. The bathroom light does not come on at all. Can anyone help?
Let’s move this to General Questions, where you’re more likely to get some help.
Welcome to SDMB robinb.
Your question belongs in another forum. You might want to read “About this Message Board”.
As for your problem, does “fitting” = fixture? If so, it appears that the switch leg for the bedroom goes through the fixture. In the future, you may want to the mark wires and connect them as they were. To fix this problem, you may need someone to come and help. Your description does not give adequate information to guide you.
Again, welcome robinb.
The trick, which does not help you at all for now, is to take photographs of the wires before you disconnect them.
It would also help to know which country you are in.
Can we assume that you have two switches in one box, controlling the bathroom and bedroom lights separately? If not, describe the setup with a little detail.
you need to describe things in more detail.
how many fixture boxes did you open? how many wires involved?
how many switch boxes did you open? how many switches? how many wires involved?
along with a photo it is good to put a label on each wire with masking tape. then make a list of the wire number and what it was connected to. then disconnect it.
You know that one wire over by that other wire? Well, it doesn’t count!
At a minimum, it sounds like you removed the hot wires for both bath and bedroom - which brings up the question: Did you leave a wire unconnected somewhere (the hot line for bath).
For 120 VAC (US), you have 2 wires - a black and a white one of each is required to make something (light bulb, washing machine) work. The black is hot, the white is neutral (electricity flows from black to white. It will also flow to ground, so don’t connect a black wire to a green screw or wire).
The switch is supposed to be on the black line.
It sounds like you wired the bedroom light’s black wire to the bath switch.
Was the bedroom light always switched from the same box as the bath? Are there 2 (or more) loose black wires? Did you remove any wire nuts (plastic caps which screw onto wire ends)?