Look at the other attractions for terms. In particular the size of your group changes by attraction before they require admission. Look at the web site because there are many more sites that are great to visit that I didn’t direct link.
I’m raising this again.
Comments of how you like the offer are welcome and will help keep this thread from sinking immediately. old World Wisconsin is $16 for an adult so you can see what free admission tickets can save you if you can make it there on a June Monday. I wish I’d seen this at the beginning of June.
I thought this would be of interest to somebody. I guess not.
Actually, it is of interest - thank you. I work for another living history museum in the midwest and am surprised not to have heard of this - I’ll pass the info on. Mondays are nearly always quiet - after Labor Day we don’t even open Mondays and Tuesdays - might be a way of papering the house on the quiet days.
Maybe it’s because of the timing of the thread? Today is the last Monday of June…
Mrs. Cake I’m glad you found this of use. You have one more Monday to go people. I hope you enjoy the attractions.
FalconFinder you need a new calendar.