Wisconsin Supreme Court Election - hugely important election happening now

I feel happy!

Oh yes, this is a big relief.

But now we in Wisconsin have to hope that Sinykin beats Knodl in a special legislature election, or the pubbies will have a 2/3 majority in the legislature, and they’ll be able to impeach elected officials with that. Including Supreme court justices.

Currently Sinykin leads with 51.1% vs. 48.9% with 83% counted

And the Dem candidate is on the verge of pulling off an upset in a state legislative district which would deny the pubbies the votes needed to impeach the new judge as they’ve been ridiculously threatening.

He’s up a couple of points in a district that went for Trump in 2020. Good job, Wisky voters.


Following now. It’s flipped just barely to the bad side at the moment.

If they impeach Protasiewicz, Evers appoints a judge and an election happens next year.
They could impeach Evers, but then its Barnes. Not sure what the line of succession is after that.
NYT Tabulated wrong, R leads 58 to 42 but Milwaukee county has the most votes outstanding.


Yeah, but that bit of MKE County that’s in District 8 is a very wealthy district.

At 9:40 Very close District 8 R 50.5 D 49.5 (91% in)+

55.5 to 44.5 is a landslide in Wisconsin – abortion was obviously a factor. The ads tried to paint Protasiewicz soft on crime, but Kelly represented some scummy folks so that was basically a wash. Would Dorrow (the other, more moderate, conservative judge done better? Possibly.
Personally the most affective ad was Kelly’s recusal - get paid $20,000 - unrecusal.

Looks like Rs have enough votes to impeach (8th district narrow win 38,504 to 37,208), but if they go nuts with impeachment will they get punished?


Kelly is a sore loser

Mr. Kelly gave a bitter concession speech in which he said his opponent wasn’t worthy and that her campaign was “truly beneath contempt.”
He ended his speech with a lament for the state.
“I wish Wisconsin the best of luck because I think it’s going to need it,” he said.

The voters quoted by the article mostly said they voted for abortion rights. She apparently also had her eye on the highly gerrymandered Congressional districts. Despite being very pro-choice, i find myself more comfortable with a judge ruling against distorted districts than against random laws. But maybe the law legit has defects other than just being bad policy.

Long lines at the student voting location in our mid-sized, not-really-diverse western Wisconsin college town. Good to see.

That’s unfortunate about the 8th state senate district, but luckily the state assembly (house) doesn’t have a 2/3 Republican majority (barely), so Evers vetoes should hold. As for supporting a Judge Janet impeachment, the winner in that district sounds pretty moderate. I doubt that will happen.

As fir Kelly’s comments, what an asshole. Typical of his type.

Comments from right wing political observers and Kelly’s own concession statement confirm what we’ve long suspected- that Republicans were absolutely counting on serious ratfuckery from the Wisconsin legislature, with cover from the state Supreme Court, to overturn the popular vote count next year should it go against them.

They’re still gonna do it in North Carolina if necessary but that’s only a hold and they need to flip Wisconsin.

Yep, here’s a great example of “saying the quiet part out loud”.

They don’t even think in terms of winning votes any more, just how they can use “legal” political machinations to get the results they want.

I mentioned North Carolina because of its similarity – close majority, heavily gerrymandered Republican rule – but look for things to get worse in Texas too as the numbers differences continue to narrow.

She hasn’t even taken office yet, what are the (alleged) grounds for impeachment?

She’s not a Republican.

Granted. But don’t they have to at least allege something in addition to that? I know we have a whole thread about the Republican Party being the party of evil, but are you saying the vast majority of the Republicans in the state senate would impeach a supreme court justice simply because she’s a liberal?

I believe they would. They’ve already submitted a slate of false electors once, there is no limit to the anti-democratic actions they’re willing to take.

It wouldn’t shock me.
