Wisconsin Supreme Court Election - hugely important election happening now

I’m from Michigan, which recently got itself less gerrymandered…leading to the entire government being Democratic for the first time in 40+ years.

Wisconsin has an election tonight that can swing the court to be liberal or conservative. The conservative judge approved of listening to overturning the 2020 election, despite the fact that Joe Biden won the state with zero doubt.

Abortion rights are also on the ballot, more or less. They have an anti-abortion law from 1840 or so and it could go into effect without a liberal justice elected tonight.

Polling has been almost non-existant for this election, but both Republicans and Democrats have put a lot of money into this election. Barack Obama has been campaigning there over this state supreme court. It’s critical.

I presume we’ll find out tonight? I don’t know how much mail-in ballots they do in WI and if they pre-sort them or not.

Anyone else following? It could determine the future of democracy in Wisconsin. And, kind of, the country.

following, yes.

I have my fingers crossed for WI. May they make the right (left) choices.

I’m probably foolish, but I kind of think they will. Pro-choice has been doing well in elections when the whole public gets to vote and this is kind of another referendum on roe vs wade.

538 is live blogging it.

As I’ve said many times – I live in MN, but get WI TV so have been bombarded with ads.
I also work and spend time in WI (I was also born in WI) – so I do care what happens to my neighbor to the east.

I also posted after the primary:

Cody Johnston of Some More News did an episode on this last week. It was well worth watching because it was informative and as always hilarious. Huh. I cannot embed a YouTube link. Strange, anyway you can search for it on YouTube. Oh apparently I can link the channel.

Any recommendations for getting results as they come in? NY Times perhaps?

I voted pro choice in the WI election today, as did the Mrs. She campaigned hard for the pro choice candidates on our ballot, including the state supreme court. Waiting for results, I’m cautiously hopeful.

I’m concerned they will overturn the 2024 election for president if Biden wins again, which I think he will if Trump stays in it and ruins it for the Republicans.

Does anyone know if we are expected to know the result tonight?

Wi polls have closed. I personally am using the 538 live blog for results.


I’m alternating between the NY Times WI Supreme Court election results and 538.

Not much happening yet on either of them

from 538 just a few minutes ago:


APR. 4, 9:31 PM

Looking at the county-by-county vote, I’m seeing some good signs for Protasiewicz. She is leading in La Crosse County by 26 points; Biden won here by only 13. And Kelly is leading in Jefferson County, which Trump won by 15 points, by only 1 point. Those appear to be the two counties closest to reporting complete results.

Stuff is moving fast — at 35% votes counted, P leads K 60 to 40


50 % counted, P leads by 57% to K with 43%

I am so hopeful for you guys. This is a hugely important election, for reasons previously enumerated.

from 538 again, some analysis:


APR. 4, 9:46 PM

The results on the county level are looking very good for Protasiewicz. She is outperforming Biden almost everywhere. For example, according to the AP, at least 88 percent of the expected vote is now reporting in Dodge, Marathon and Wood counties. Kelly is winning Dodge (a Trump+15 county) by just 2 points. Kelly is winning Marathon (a Trump+18 county) by just 10 points. And Kelly is winning Wood (a Trump+19 county) by just 10 points as well.

per NYT analysis: According to The New York Times’s Nate Cohn, Protasiewicz is running an average of 7 points ahead of her county-by-county vote goals.

MSNBC just called it for Protasiewicz!

So did the NY Times!!!

Can I just say, today feels a little like Christmas morning? :smiley: