Wish I hadn't backed into a Maserati.......

I backed into the front bumper of a Maserati with my trailer hitch. It’s real small.

I was optimistically hoping not to see any damage till I put my glasses on. It’s the plastic/urethane type bumper.

Tried to reach behind to see if it may pop out. Anyuone familiar with this dentless repair type service can get to pop back out. It looks creased in the picture, but I don’t think it is. The lady is going to bring it to her auto body shop tomorrow. Thanks for any of your thoughts.

I’ve had luck with pouring hot water over the dent and then pushing it out from behind. The hot water temporarily allows some flex in the plastic.

There isn’t anything special about a Maserati bumper with regard to repair techniques. Any cost above a typical repair would be due to higher costs for the OEM paint color and materials. Since a trailer hitch has pointed edges, it is more likely that the clearcoat and paint were damaged at the point of impact than if the bumper were hit by a more blunt object. Paintless dent repair techniques don’t work well for this type of damage.

That said, the person you hit is not obligated to let you try to fix it yourself and you should be prepared for her having to replace the entire bumper cover.

Hope this works. Link to picture.

Since the OP is looking for advice, let’s move this to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

It’s on the fold; you’re screwed.

Yeah, that looks like a full bumper replacement, to my entirely untrained eye. Sorry, dude, that sucks.

I hate it when people back into my Maserati!

It doesn’t look good, to join the crowd. If it were, say, my truck, I would ignore it. It’s a Maserati though. Do you have insurance?

Wow! That’s a pretty damn minor bump! Almost invisible.

So, yeah, if it were my car, I’d sure ignore it.
( And ,yes, folks— I like my 9-year-old hatchback :slight_smile: )

But now I have a question: When I grow up and buy a Maserati, would I be supposed to get this fixed?

I like cars, and I’ve driven a couple of Porsches, a Miyata, a Corvette*. Lots of fun!

But I’ve never really cared too much about my car–it’s just a practical form of transportation.
I can understand why , if you spend big bucks for a sports car, you naturally want to keep it shiny and showy.But there is natural wear and tear. How much does it bother you if there’s a really minor ding like the one shown in the OP’s picture?

So may I add a poll to this thread?
The question is: if you were the owner of this Maserati, what would you do?

Let’s say that you don’t know how the ding occurred.
Unlike the case of this thread, where the OP is a wonderful, honest person, you just parked your Maserati outside your stock broker’s office, and when you returned , you find this ding.So the cost of repair is all yours, and you, of course, aren’t poor.

*each time when a neighbor let me take it for a wild spin–almost two minutes, driving to the end of the street and around the block.