With search broken, why not let search engines in temporarily?

From the robots.txt file of the SDMB:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Search engines are currently blocked from the SDMB.

Since search is broken for what seems like an indefinite period of time, why not let search engines crawl the SDMB? Google can temporarily be the SDMB search engine; for example [search term] site:boards.straightdope.com. Once search is repaired, robots.txt can be restored, and the search engine results from the SDMB will eventually disappear.

Won’t they always be cached though? (I really don’t know).

Also, once you allow the spiders (that’s what they’re called, right) on the board, how long before they actually show up?

I think it would take maybe a day or two and then Google would have the site cached. Not sure about that though; my blog used to be Googlable, then I hid it from Google, and there’s no cache of it on there now.