Without checking any reference source: define and give the significance of the word "blitzkrieg."

“Lightning War”
A German tactic adopted in WWII where mechanized divisions would punch through the front lines and deep into enemy territory.
Commonly used to describe a total assault.

How did I do?

No one read yours, either! (Well, one person did.)

And the true definition is Rio, by Duran Duran.

Untrue. I’ve been reading them, if only to restore my face in humanity.

I’m guessing that the word this person was reaching for “blitz”. His train of thought may have been derailed when he heard himself refer to Stonewall Jackson.

Corrected to make a bit more sense, he wants staff to emulate Sherman’s total war tactics to … er … uh … destroy everything that stands between you and increased revenue? :o Something real motivating and inspirational, anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, get plastic surgery on your own time.

The usual feckless threats.

All said above, German WW2, very fast moving forces of German power, made possible by technology and mobile warfare and some say drugs that allowed great distances to be covered by infantry to show a vast superiority to also act as strong element of fear to the enemy.

Somewhat related to, and perhaps a earlier version of ‘shock and awe’ the US tacit used against Iraq in the first gulf war, though I am unaware of any drugs offered to enhance performance of the US troops.

Actually looking at it, the Wiki entry on Shock and Awe lists Blitzkrieg as a subset of ‘Shock and Awe’.

Picking a nit:

Krieg = war(fare), very subtle difference and not really worth mentioning unless you’re German.

An aside–“Star Wars” has no literal translation in Deutsch; it is “Krieg der Sterne,” pronounced kreeg (roll that ‘r’), dare, Shtare-nuh – “War(fare) (of) the Stars.” Darth Vader? Go ask your mother. :smiley:

Blitzkreig: A style of bop popularized by Stonewall Jackson

“Lightning war” - German. Coined (I think) at the start of WWII, when Germany rolled into and over Poland. It showed off the strength of the war machine that Germany/Hitler had built.

Why hasn’t anyone mentioned that it means ‘Lightning War’ in German?

Srsly ? All sides in WWII gave out amps like sweeties by the millions, although none were compelled ( maybe the Russians at a libellous guess, just since refusing orders could have a serious effect on one’s health ); by the First Saddamite War, American soldiers were not only over-medicated with normal pharmacuticals, and some took illegal stuff as well, but:

Amphetamine was given to Allied bomber pilots during World War II to sustain them by fighting off fatigue and enhancing focus during long flights. During the Persian Gulf War, amphetamine became the drug of choice for American bomber pilots, being used on a voluntary basis by roughly half of U.S. Air Force pilots
Wikipedia - Amps
*According to military sources, the use of such drugs (commonly Dexedrine) is part of a cycle that includes the amphetamines to fight fatigue, and then sedatives to induce sleep between missions. Pilots call them “go pills” and “no-go pills.” For most Air Force pilots in the Gulf War (and nearly all pilots in some squadrons), this was the pattern as well.

The drugs are legal, and pilots are not required to take them – although their careers may suffer if they refuse.*
Christian Science Monitor —2002
While the use of steroids by soldiers when deployed is rumor, the use of supplements to become bigger, stronger and faster is a fact. When I had to conduct a health and welfare inspection, I was shocked by the profusion and variety of pills and powders I found in the rooms of soldiers. A few rooms could have been confused for mini-pharmacies.
NY Times - At War — 2010

It would be silly to condemn men for seeking aids in hellish war, but it can affect judgement. As much as when soldiers guzzled rum or whisky before fighting.

That quote is from 2010 and it’s misleading. Although there is always some illegal drug use in such a large organization there is regular drug testing and I know from personal experience that the testing continues during deployment. Anything left out during a health and welfare inspection is of the over the counter protein powder and keratin variety. All legal and found in GNC. How good for you or effective it is can be debated. You have to realize that the recent conflicts were conducted mainly from central bases. When off duty many get into a gym culture because there is little else to do. I got huge in Iraq. No illicit drugs needed. Just hours of gym time.

Re: Sherman vs Jackson - Sherman’s March to the Sea was about destroying everything in his path, not so much speed to bust through enemy lines. Stonewall Jackson led the Valley Campaign, which could (at a superficial level) be compared to Blitzkrieg.

But the more likely explanation is that the memo writer had no clue.

Apart from the fact I pointed out that the article is from 2010, the writer is not referring to illegal drugs, but supplements ( including to an extent steroids ) of the kind you mention. Amps, as originally referenced in the thread, are nearer performance enhancers than for getting high ( although some users can take them for pleasure ). Same with mediaeval use of hashish/bhang in battle.

The German tactic of using overwhelming force to conquer a country. Those most used in reference to air power, this is too restrictive a definition.

Refers to the strategy (tactics?) the Germans used in WW2 (I think particularly against France and Poland). It’s a German word I’m pretty sure has “lightning” somewhere in the literal translation. The whole point of the strategy was to concentrate extreme amounts of firepower and overwhelm local defenders, quickly capturing vast territory without really “consolidating” the way armies fought in previous wars.

It’s a military term from World War II. It’s German and it means “lightning war”. It was based on the principle of massing offensive units like tanks, mechanized infantry, mobile artillery, and aircraft at points in the enemy front and using concentration and speed to achieve victory. The basic idea was that you would control the pace of the battle and your plan would already have moved on by the time your opponent was able to react to what you were doing.

Translating literally, “lightning war” (from German, I know Krieg is war and I assume Blitz is lightning). A military term for strategies focused on making invasions be “as quick as possible”, including but not limited to “build the Army of Doom and throw it at them” and “evade that nice, thick defensive line”.

Lightning war, from German, referring to a quick, overwhelming, and disabling strike before an enemy can mobilize.