Witness haters--are you happy now? :(

I for one am quite happy that he shot at them…

And happy that he missed. Because now he gets to spend a fair amount of time in jail and then spend the rest of his life as a Convicted Felon, which means he will never again legally own a firearm.

Asked and answered, I thought.:confused:

Is there anyone who doesn’t despise door to door religious freaks? We are all Witness haters. But, as has been said, shooting at them is a little extreme. I prefer “release the hounds.”

We need to arm Jehovah’s Witnesses, obviously.

Or dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they bark bees.

I always thought Witness was one of the better regarded Harrison Ford movies.


The fool brought a gun to what should have been a sword fight!

That would be masterful.

You are new here…one long gone poster actually DID chase someone off while he was half naked and wielding a sword.

This, what the hell?? Is your persecution fetish so ingrained that this gratifies you in some way? That’s your filthy secret, you deal with that in your own bathroom on your own time.

Do we have to say we’re not happy about this out loud?

I invite those Mother Fuckers in, and then dispense Justice! It put’s the motherfuckin lotion in the motherfuckin BASKET!!

See link in post 27 above.

A miracle! A miracle!

Shades of Pulp Fiction. This will only reinforce their faith.

To be really satisfied, have you tried this? I’m betting that if you shove it in one end it stops hunger while stuffing it up the other stops flatulence.

Gun nuts? Religious zealots? Is there a mammal alive in danger of tripping over a bar set that low?

It is nice that they handled this problem like Good Christians. And I’m sure the incident will go into the “guns protected my family from evil fanatics” column.

…And put the “War On Christmas” on the back page? :stuck_out_tongue:

This technique of arousing intense interest and leaving it unresolved reminds me of someone. In RL, you’re name isn’t Lorna Marie Spencer, is it?

So, is this a thread where dougie comes back and plays Emily Litella, or will he double down on the stupid?

So he had, like, a gun-bearer? Cool.