woman carries cell phone in her cleavage--weird?

As to the “they’re not dirty” comment by anastaseon…they sweat, don’t they? I’d imagine it’s one step shy of storing things in your armpit. Cell phone…hey, it’s yours, whatever, but the money thing is just gross. There’s tons of germs on money as it is, and you’re giving them a warm, moist environment to grow and prosper right before you hand it to someone else. Uck.

When dressed appropriately for the weather, no, they don’t. :dubious: I’ve never pulled anything warm or moist out of mine, and if I did, it would go in the trash.

Another vote for fairly tacky, here. I’ve never used my bra as a pocket. The one time I had to secure a decent amount of cash and was in total “I might get robbed” mode, I put it in an envelope and taped it to my calf under my pants.

I wonder if she has a mobile fax?

The Englishman would have said “Oh dear, I feel the [or “a”] perfect ass,” no “like.” (That’s why he’s an Englishman for purposes of this joke, because it’s not idiomatic Amurrucan to drop the “like” but it 's okay in Brit-talk. “I feel LIKE the perfect ass” is no kind of compliment, besides.

Hey, I may keep stuff in there, but I don’t fish around in there in public. Cripes. Nothing more ungraceful than one elbow in your eye and your tongue hanging out while muttering “okay, where did that tube of lipgloss go?”

And I should correct my last post - I meant to type “too warm”. It’s warm in there, but no warmer than a pants pocket. It’s just regular body heat, but sweat? No. When I stick my nose between my breasts, they don’t stink. I asked my husband to smell in there for me, in case I was just used to my own scent, and he said it smelled like soap and flowers. He’s not being nice because he has to be either - he tells me if I stink. It’s very dry in there. I wouldn’t stick stuff in there if I was, say, going for a jog. :dubious:

Seriously, I think it’s cleaner than most places one could keep stuff. Imagine a man reaching into his front pocket and pulling out bills, which have been resting next his sweaty nutsack, seperated only by a thin bit of cloth? Or hauling a wallet out of their sweaty ass pocket. And if he had burritos… :eek:

Germs and nasty things are all over the place. My clean, dry boobs are one of the cleaner places I could store things. Money only goes in there when I have no other pockets.

Cut myself off, there, but the only other thing I was going to add is:

The rest of the stuff stored in there is mine, for my own personal use, and not for anyone else.

There. I’m done. :smiley:

Wow. I can’t get my neck to bend that far.

I’ve never considered the storage possibilties of my cleavage, but then I don’t usually wear low-necked shirts, either. I’d have to reach up under my shirt to fish things out. I can hear my grandmother* now: “That’s not ladylike!”

[sub]*This would be the same grandmother who taught me how to curse like a blue-balled sailor.[/sub]

Y’know, if I ever had to have a masctemony, I would ask the doctors to build some kind of plastic storage container unit into my former cleavage ( rounded for a more natural look, with the draw pulls being the nips) and then I could carry stuff around that I may need for any occaison.
But, that is just me.

( I have used my bra strap to secure a pack of gum when I’ve taken long flights. )

Don’t you mean…TWO of them?

Bras have little pockets? The things I learn in this joint! We’re having dinner with our two lesbian lady friends tomorrow night. I cannot wait to ask if they have bra pockets. :smiley:

I’ve been known to carry beer in my cleavage – see.

Long backstory here but not a highjack, I promise!
When I was a young bank teller, I had as customers a wealthy couple who were going through a nasty and unusual divorce. As a part of the pre-divorce arrangement the couple had a large bank check (think high 6 figures) payable to both of them. This check represented their weekly “allowance”. They would come in on Friday and negotiate the check. Each was entitled to $10,000 with the remainder going into a new bank check in both names. The man would always deposit his share into a checking account. The woman always took hers in cash (all 20’s), shoved the money in her bra and left. Yep, 500 twenty dollar bills in her bra every week. In downtown Atlanta. Always over-riding our pleas to accept the money in a bag or satchel. I’ve always wondered if the dark circles under her eyes and the plethora of small puncture marks in the middle of both arms had anything to do with it. Nah, probably just a coincidence.

All this reminds me of The Saint (the relatively recent Val Kilmer flick, not the older incarnation). At one point our heroine pulls her cold fusion notes out of her bra, and our hero peers interestedly and asks “What else do you keep in there?”

I’ll keep my chap stick or money in there if I’m going somewhere and I don’t have pockets, but I won’t keep my cellphone in my bra. Having a cellphone start singing Harry and the Potters while in a public place is just a bit awkward.

Hey Savannah, my hand hurts, can I stick it into your cleavage for an hour to see if your magic boobs will heal it?

No way, really? People actually do this? Well, yes, it seems they do. Wow.

I’m well acquainted with my boobs, and like them, but their holder is not a storage receptacle. Possibly because I can’t think of how I’d retrieve the stored items gracefully. I’m fascinated. Perhaps I should start…

Yup. Generally push up bras have a little pocket built in (think on the inside of the cup) so you can stick either a bag of water, bag of air, or a rubber insert in there to make the girls go up to your chin.

On the day to day, I take the little pad out and am thus left with an empty lil’ pocket. If I’m going to a theme park or something, it can be a safe place to stash a little cash (only to be retrieved in private).

I keep stuff in there all the time. It’s handy. And I’d much rather tuck money into my boobies than, for instance, my shoe, where it would get sweaty and smell like foot. Also, when going to parties, etc, and wearing a strapless dress, it’s not uncommon to see all the girls there with their cell phone being held in place by the elastic holding up the dress. When parents call, the phone vibrates and lights up. It’s impossible to miss, unlike in a pocket or purse. (The music is always too loud to even contemplate hearing your phone unless you’re in the bathroom.)

And it just sat there? Didn’t peck her, bite her?