Woman who allegedly smoked crack and had stillborn baby to be tried for murder

I *truly *hope the sarcasm was palpable in that post. I just don’t have it in me to put up with the PC police doing an own goal on someone who agrees with their premise. Not tonight, I’m tired.

Putting aside the fact that the crack wasn’t the actual cause of death (which makes this even more insane, if that’s possible at this point), if you truly believe the life of a fetus is of the same worth as the life of the mother, this is one of the logical conclusions you come to. If every time a child dies under suspicious circumstances there’s a police investigation, why wouldn’t there be one for a fetus? After all, a life is a life. Sure, I disagree with the premise of a fetus being a person, but if you accept that, why wouldn’t you accept this?

This Dr. Hayne seems to think it was.

To hardcore prolifers, letting someone put their penis in you constitutes inviting the trespasser in. Because, again, it’s all about punishing the woman for having sex.

If the woman is found not guilty, Mississippi will prosecute the father for murder. If she is found to be guilty, Mississippi will prosecute the father for murder anyway, as an accessory.

If, by chance, the father is unknown, every male in the entire state, from newborn to 115 will be DNA tested under Mississippi’s Herod Law.

When the father is found, he will be prosecuted for fathering a fetus with a satanic umbilical cord while black, found guilty and executed. If the father is deemed to be white, he will be excommunicated from the Southern Baptist Church, weep, be forgiven and welcomed back into the church because who among us hasn’t sinned “and we’re Christians.”

The “defacto medical examiner,” Steven Hayne, will run for governor and win in a landslide, then win the presidency.

The woman will be repeatedly raped by prison guards, impregnated and die, alone and ignored, on her prison-cell floor because she’s a slut.

I’ve been arguing this point for years: If the fetus is considered a person, every miscarriage will have to be investigated as a potential murder. Maybe the mother smoked crack, drank coffee, took an aspirin or “thought bad thoughts” about this “person.” The anti-abortion crowd tell me I’m wrong and it won’t happen like that.

Yeah, right.

On a very special “Maury Povich Show.”

I guess I figured after all the work Radley Balko did years ago, that Hayne would be completely discredited. He has to be one of the worst human beings in the world. Complete bullshit from a guy who is a known fraud with a track record of manufacturing “evidence” and completely making up shit.

None of this really has anything to do with Hayne’s credibility. All the litigation until now has just been about whether the state can try the mother of a stillborn child for the homicide. Now we get to the actual trial and the sufficiency of the evidence.

He’s been known to make, um, mistakes. Rather creative ones. Why he’s still got a freedom, never mind a job after that one I cannot say.

If we stop getting laid, then the terrorists have already won.

How can anyone say they are doing 1200-1500 autopsies a year??? For someone to say they are doing more than 3 autopsies per day, every single day 365, AND two hospital jobs AND testifying at trials…this didn’t raise any red flags with anyone on the DA’s office? Nobody thought 'maybe this guy isn’t giving these things the kind of attention they need?

The MS medical examiner controversy is basically a case study in dereliction of duty - one involving physicians, attorneys, the Department of Public Safety, and the legislature. Longread here (free PDF download.)

No, they thought, “This yahoo will swear to any damnfool thing we want to convict somebody. Awesome!”

More from Tennessee:

Oh boy, now Kansas wants in on the fun – they’re moving to make any miscarriage an “investigative” event. link

Trespassing. And between castle doctrines and standing your ground, it shouldn’t be hard to argue for an abortion. Not that a woman should have to.

Are they really going to investigate every miscarriage in the state?! Whoever handles that is gonna keep pretty busy!

Ordinarily, of course, most miscarriages never would come to the attention of public authorities at all; but this bill requires doctors to report them.

And if the “authorities” decide it was an illegitimate miscarriage, could the doctor be prosecuted as an accessory? Why would a doctor take the chance by treating any pregnant women?

First time I’ve ever seen that phrase.

Not the last, I do fear. :frowning: