Women have a groin.

Line drive to the gonads.

I’ve heard and read it used, though I don’t know how common it is.

Well, this is what happens when groin is so often used as a euphemism for penis.

Groin and loin rhyme, and seem to refer to the same general area. Coincidence, or conspiracy???

These bad puns are groin tiresome.


They’re so bad, they’re making me groin.

As someone who bounced off a curb and came off the saddle onto the top tube 4 months ago and is STILL sore:

Yes, women have groins. And groin injuries.

My friend jokes sometimes when he says something funny but untrue, he says he found it on totallyuntruestatements dot com xD

In an unrelated note, his e-mail account is false_account at hotmail xD

(not in the original language, so i think I’m ok)

Band name!

Who knows? When my sister was a teenager, she and some other teens were moving some heavy boxes and such and she remarked tongue-in-cheek that it was about to give her a hernia. Two teen boys gave each other those rolly-eyed pitying looks and ridiculed her for thinking that girls could actually get a hernia. It pleased her to later inform them that my MIL had one.