Women who hate having their breast fondled

Funny thread… but a bit scary ! I have always had GFs who loved having their breasts fondled and sucked… in fact it was always a surefire way to get them ready !

I will pay more attention… though I think most of these “don’t touch” women must have some image or are being self concious about their breats.

Honey, when you have to make sure the water flow isn’t “full force” before you get in the shower to avoid screaming in pain, I’m pretty sure it’s not an issue of body image. Besides, I think my breasts are perfect (and have had that opinion validated many a time;) and the rest of my body, if not perfect, I learned to love and accept a few years back.

Partners have run the gamut —those that liked gentle brushing or cupping as part of foreplay, those that liked more “tweaking”, those that said “you can if you want to but it does nothing for me”, those that liked deep shape-displacing pressure, those that really didn’t want to be touched there during sex.

I’m in the reciprocal position to women who don’t particularly like it. That is, I don’t have much of a thing for it, and, much like the women for whom it either does nothing or actively irritates, I’m always running into people who just assume that liking this activitiy (or even obsessing about it) is a universal trait. If I’m immersed in foreplay or sex, it can be nice as part of the general experience of running hands over skin, more so if it’s doing something for her. The licking / sucking thing isn’t sexual at all for me, might as well be sucking her nose or licking her elbow, doesn’t gross me out and I don’t mind if she really likes it. Don’t have much of a visual thing for breasts either: small and perky-cute can add to a woman’s overall attractiveness, although a good portion of the time that I’m ogling female strangers (non-blatantly, I hope!) I may be almost unaware of whether or not she’s got any. Big tends to subtract from attractiveness, like buck teeth or something.

I think having it always shoved at us — “Here, you’ll LIKE this!” —creates a contrary response, and I bet it does also for women who don’t relate to the breast-fondling thing.

At a weekend retreat (OK, week-long party) last year, a gay friend got a wee bit hammered and was being really affectionate. To everyone. He was fondling my breasts for a bit, and at the end of it he looked at me and said, “Nope. Still gay.” It was pretty funny.

Personally, I like a bit firmer handling than I normally get. Gentle suckling? Eh. A good firm pinch and twist? Swoon But, as with all things involving my sexual arousal, context is everything. There are times when I don’t want my breasts touched at all. I think with most things in human sexuality, there’s a huge range of what’s normal, and people span that range. I’ve had boyfriends who hated blowjobs, and ones who lived on them. Does that make some of them abnormal?

No, not at all. :wink:

Ahh, Lord I’m so happy to find out there are women just like me out there–I really felt like I was the only one.

Mine are 36 large C/ small D’s and are insensitive, and that’s why it’s irritating. I know it’s supposed to turn me on and feel good, but I feel damn near nothing. It doesn’t help that the SO of 5 years still doesn’t get it and keeps telling me he likes it…and then tells me stories about women that can have an orgasm based on breast fondling/sucking alone. Great, fantastic, thanks for making me feel like half a woman. I don’t think mine have much to do with self image even though I have considered getting a lift (the surgeon laughed at me). There’s just no damn feeling there.

But, I think God gave me a gift in return. I am bootylicious and I love having my cheekage rubbed and kissed. I think I’ll take that anyday over the boob thing.

I just can’t seem to win either way on the whole boob-fondling thing. When they were completely flat, I had no sensation in them at all, so it was pointless hubby paying much attention to them.

Now I’ve had implants put in, they’re too damn sensitive and I can’t bear him to come near them at all - it actually feels painful.

Guess we’ll just have to stick to other areas! :wink:

What a thread for my first post as a charter member to be in…

Question for the women who actively don’t like having their breasts fondled: How do you feel about missionary-style? At least when I’m doing it, I end up rubbing my torso along my girlfriend’s. Does this hurt as well?

Hmmm… well, it HAS been 6 months :eek: but no, the rubbing together of torsos is not painful for me, as I recall. It’s the active squeezing, pinching, making “radiodial-tuning” motions with the actual nipples themselves. Goshdarnit, now ya got me thinkin of torsos rubbing together.

When I had that problem, it was total lack of sensation in the nipple, not over-sensitivity, so missionary didn’t bother me. It just felt… bad, weird, yucky to have him concentrating at other times on those spots and to feel nothing other than sensation around the area, almost like when you get a limb that falls asleep but without the painful prickling feeling.

It doesn’t hurt to be in missionary style, in fact, I don’t feel anything at all. And I think that’s why I don’t like my breasts being caressed all that much. I think I get the same amount of sensitivity as if someone was caressing my upper arm.

I let my husband (hope he’s not reading this) do as much as he likes to them, until it gets annoying. I guess the best analogy is if you have a radio turned slightly on until you hear a little whispering. Then you crank the dial up to 11. Is that a bit annoying? Yes? Well, it’s the same for me. I can stand the touching and kissing and all, but then, very suddenly, it’s like AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! And I jerk away.

No feeling, and then overload :frowning:

The thing that REALLY annoys me is that it’s what he does. He pretty much thinks that’s foreplay. Well, I’m sure it’s fine for him, but it’s a total turnoff for me when I have to jerk away and then cover my breasts from subsequent assaults. I have been trying to hint to him forever that this is not what I want, and I have explained that I don’t feel anything at all, but he doesn’t care.

I’m going to stop here because I don’t want to unburden my soul any further. I hope my input illuminated the subject a bit.

Personally, I like a bit firmer handling than I normally get. Gentle suckling? Eh. A good firm pinch and twist? *Swoon* But, as with all things involving my sexual arousal, context is everything. There are times when I don't want my breasts touched at all.

I agree with precipitate except …for me there is NEVER a time when I don’t want touched.

When I was a teenager I spent some time going out with a woman who hated having her neck touched. Really hated it…touch her neck and it was like flicking a switch. She explained it to me when we first started going out and I learnt that if people have little idiosyncrasies it is best to just respect them, no matter how weird they seem. There was plenty more of her to play with anyhow.

I can remember once " a few years before my present girlfriend for whom I adore dearly" , I was involved with this certain woman that had the most perfect pair of breast I had ever seen in all my life “next to my present girlfriend that is”. The only bad thing about them was that she could not stand to have them fondled or touched in any way. She said that they were like battery terminals for her. One nipple was positive while the other was negative. She was willing to try any position I desired, but she just simply would not allow me to touch her breast at all…no sqeezing, not cupping or kneeding, and definitely no sucking. Man you take about sheer torture. When she would get on top of me while I lied down, watching her brest swing back and forth in front of me without being able to touch them was more than I was able to bear. But no matter how much I begged or how much I pleaded, she never, ever, let me touch them. Whenever I tried to catch a quick “feel” when she wasn’t expecting it, she would get very upset about it then would start to get rather hostile so I eventually gave up. For some reason that I never found out, she was very quick tempeted about this, so I eventually left them alone… Later on she left me for a Drug Dealer :frowning:

Hmmm, a woman tells you repeatedly that she doesn’t like something, that it hurts fercrissakes, and you keep right on trying to sneak it in on her. And you wonder why she gets hostile and quick-tempered about it? Oy. :rolleyes:

Let me put it to you this way: you’re dating a woman who’s really into raking her nails across a guy’s balls hard enough to draw blood. Not only do you not enjoy this, it hurts. It hurts a lot. You’ve told her repeatedly, “No, stop it, I don’t like that, you’re hurting me, knock it the fuck off already.” Still, she keeps badgering you about it. And she keeps clawing you anyway, usually trying to sneak a quick one in when she thinks you’re distracted. Would you bear this patiently and without complaint, or would you get pissy about it?

No.I don’t blame her…It was my fault totally :o

“I was a lot younger and stupider back then also”

let me share my story I wS 32 B when I got married. we Muslim don’t indulge in any kind of sex touching or showing our curves of our veiled body to anyone other than our husband after marriage . I was slim and had a delicate figure. the first night when my hubby undressed me and startrd exploring my body I realised he was nuts after my boobs . and I didn’t stop him though I felt a bit uneasy . he would take my entire boob in his mouth . he said he wants them big. I becam a bit nervous . but he smiled and told me not to worry as he would work himself with them to grow them yo his desired size. after a few weeks naturally I even startrd lactating which made him wild with pleasure and wanted more of them all the time.
I now am 40 D with perpetually erect nipples and a huge circular pink area around nipples. I’m greatly addicted to his breastfeeding …can’t sleep unless he’s scuckled to his fill… . no matter how rough he handles my boobs I love it. never want him to stop him. all men love boobs and we must serve them. he wants them still bigger . works on them daily .
let me add that all this is not needed for his easier entry as I get ready and wet the moment he touches my naked boobs. all the above is done while he’s very much inside me. ohhhhh I’m getting wet and having erect nipples

Dear Penthouse…

This isn’t too far off the mark for me. The casual caressing, I know, is nice for MrTao, but unless we’re actively getting it on all it does for me is create an annoying semi-female-hard-on that I can’t do anything about, as it’s not full-on arousal or anything, just a real annoying tickle kind of thing.

So, yeah. Hands off unless you mean business RIGHT NOW!

(I won’t tell MrTao this. He loves my boobs, and I wouldn’t deprive him. But holy hell is it annoying at times, lol.)

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