Women - would you date an obese man?

I do now. It’s been a long, tremendous uphill battle dealing with all my husband’s various illnesses (which keep proliferating), so I just can’t imagine ever going through that again. And I have nothing against obese people… obviously, I love one deeply and I’ve been one myself. It’s just that at 46, I don’t think I could ever take on another decades’ long caretaking role. It’s the most demoralizing thing I’ve ever done. Plus, I hate watching him contribute to killing himself. It’s soul crushing. :frowning: :frowning:

Yes. No tobacco products, excess alcohol, drugs, anger issues, and the like.

Physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

I am almost positive that according to the BMI chart my boyfriend is ‘obese’; and to look at him, he clearly is overweight (judging by the standards of a Midwestern US city, he’s positively skinny :P)

So, in short, yes. I do worry about him developing diabetes. He cycles to work most days, but also eats too much. The thought that I would break up with him because of this is absurd.

Smoking and recreational drug use are deal breakers for me.

And death is 100% guaranteed. For everyone.

Aw, come on man, that’s not cool. The URL alone will probably get some of us in trouble.

Speak for yourself.

I have I would

The picture is safe for work.

Would you care to address how that was a considerate thing to do to those in thread who are involved with men of that size or are you going to just ignore that?

I was in a long line at Target today, and a tall, quite heavy man was in front of me. We started commiserating about the ridiculous line, and why didn’t they get more checkers? He had a nice deep voice, was intelligent, and we managed to cover Star Trek, cats and the missing plane while we were in line. If he’d asked, I would’ve had coffee with him. I almost regret saying anything about my SO.:o He was really a neat guy.

Damn. :smiley:

I’ve dated a very overweight man and wouldn’t do it again. As others have said, it’s far too limiting when it comes to anything requiring (ahem) exertion.

You just haven’t met the right fatso. Licks eyebrows and dies happily in 30s/40s

Same, and I’m miffed about exertion in general, even without the “ahem.” I’ve yet to become gym addicted like people claim will eventually happen, so I make sure to engage in physical activities that are fun to keep my sorry ass in shape. Join a sports league with me? Go for a bike ride? A walk? No? Then what do you wanna do? I gained a bit of weight in my relationship with a big guy and then lost it, but it was annoying doing it on my own. Sure, I’m my own person and can go do something active by myself, but yeesh, it’s nice to have someone who thinks a spring day is a great time for a jog or ride at least once in a while. It was a lot harder to keep the weight off being shacked up with a fat guy than it is now. I’ll never do it again. No fitness, no date.

Ugh, for me it wasn’t being with a big dude that had me gaining weight, it was being with a *very *slim, in-shape guy who also drinks a whole fucking lot and eats whatever he wants. Then I ended up eating and drinking with him a lot too except I don’t spend hours playing basketball every day and I’m like 8 inches shorter so I can’t pull it off. Being the only one makes it much worse!

Almost all of the guys I’ve been with have been effortlessly quite slim, but then, I always was too until pretty recently (soon to be again! just got some medical stuff figured out finally). I’ve been with a few bigger guys though. Not extremely obese, but maybe built like a former football player who has let himself go somewhat? So tall, fairly muscular, and a layer of fat. Their energy levels were still just fine and I had no issue with them at all.

Wow. That was a long line.

Sure, but look at the URL. Do you think people won’t get visits from the corporate censors about the site itself?

There’s still a lot of ambiguity here; are we talking John Goodman as Walter Sobchak sort of overweight, or are we talking about mobility limiting, REALLY unhealthy overweight?

I’m sure that someone in the first category would have no problem (ahem) getting the job done exertion-wise, but someone in the second wouldn’t.

During a time in my life when I was about 20 lbs overweight, I took a woman out for lunch.

It was the first time I ever met with her alone and she spent an awful lot of time telling me that she didn’t care about my extra 20 lbs and that she was happy to go out with me and that I could take her out for lunch or dinner anytime.

She was from Sweden or Norway or Finland or some county close to them and she had a young daughter who she brought along for the meal.

She ate as much as a horse would eat and she ate like a pig.

To this day, I sometimes think back on that day and regret that I didn’t just go to the mens room and find a way to slip out of the restaurant and leave her with her bill. I would have paid for my food of course. But not hers.

I found her to be one of the most despicable women I had ever met and I fully believe that her only interest in me was some free food.

I never called her again - of course. But I truly do regret that I never said or did anything to her that would hurt her. I would have really loved to have hurt her.

Would anyone here have any suggestions how I could have turned the tables on her to let her know that I didn’t give a shit what she thought about my being overweight?

She was not at all overweight although she was not at all particularly attractive either. Her daughter was well behaved and did not deserve to be hurt.

So, I’m looking for something I could have said or done to hurt her but not to hurt her daughter.

Any ideas?



Oh, of course not. I was just trying to be funny.