Women's Sexuality: Sexually Unstoppable While Ovulating?

Before I started BC pills, I often felt this way. I’d find myself checking out and digging guys that the rest of the month I thought of as just pals. There was a thread about a year and a half ago (I’m too lazy to search right now), where I dubbed the phenomenon “OvuVision”.

Guys can tell in some instances. And I don’t mean just husbands and lovers.

I used to have a cute blonde co-worker who once a month would get noticeably interested in talking to the male members of the staff. She’s stand and talk and beam at us. She was normally friendly and easygoing, but she’s stand closer to us and talk with us longer and so forth. I saw when she talked to me, I saw it when she talked to other guys we worked with.

She sent me dirty jokes in the mail at such times … rarely at other times but once a month, for several days, regular as rain. She may have sent them to the other guys as well, but I didn’t ask and they didn’t tell. Point is, the frequency of dirty emails went up once a month for a couple of days.

Oh, it wasn’t hard to figure out when the egg dropped for her. Though it did take me about a year to catch on to the pattern. But once I tumbled to it, it was very obvious.

She was also very attractive at such times. Maybe it was pheremones, or maybe it was just the fact that when someone finds you more attractive, you tend to find them more attractive, too. After all, they have good taste.

I’d have nailed her, if I weren’t happily married. To a jealous redhead. And if she wasn’t happily married. To a district attorney, yet.

Talk about star-crossed!

The only GQ thread I’ve ever started was, “Why am I so horny” (when I’m having my period?). Seems it’s a very common phenomenon. And no one really knew the answer as to why.

Just want to drop in and agree with the rest. I can always tell when I’m ovulating. Like right now, for instance.

Okay, a quick google on “sex drive” and “ovulation” showed me a bunch of sites which were attempting to help we ladies boost our lagging drive, and kept telling me that the link between an increased drive and our cycles is highly individual. Bleh.

I do not have what could be called a regular pattern. It fluctuates from 6-8 weeks in length, and so the only way I know it’s coming is when I start feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof. If I’m feeling all hot and flushed, and King Kong is looking like a well-dressed man, it’s time to start the countdown.

Not that I haven’t noticed an increase in my interest in the past two years or so. I turned 30, and the engine started revving, just in general. My boyfriend sometimes looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

He’ll get used to it. He’s new.

I’m completely sprung then. Well, even more so than normal. I think I have a ‘bow bow wicky wicky’ soundtrack that goes into overdrive…

Little Plastic Ninja: How you doin’?

Andygirl and (i think you’re a lesbian, right? ) other lesbian dopers does it make men seem just a bit more attractive to you or does it just up your regular sex drive?

I ask because I’m bi and when ovulating, I’m not after the girls…it’s as Lsura put it…he has a dick…he’ll do just fine :wink:

Great! Now you’ve done it! After reading this thread, it’ll be at least a half-hour before I’ll be able to leave my desk! How embarrassing.

Ladies, is there any way I could possibly be of service? wink, wink

Quoted for hilarity.

Go get some!!!:smiley:

It just cranks up my regular one, not add a completely unwanted dimension to it. Yikes.

I didn’t mean to offend at all, just wondering…hope i didn’t. Thanks for answering!

Like AndyGirl, I’m lesbian, and I have this insane amount of horniness happen during ovulation. Guys don’t do it for me (well, maybe gay leathermen but that’s a subject for another thread :P) but (a) I find I cruise a lot more les/bi-babes; (b) I find the les/bi-babes cruise me more (ooh honey) and © if I’ve developed a mild crush on someone at that point it becomes an obsessively intense crush.

Weirdly, me and my partner are in synch wrt menses, but during her cycle she doesn’t want to be touched at all when I’m at my horny worst. All I’ve gotta say is thank the Goddess for the Hitachi Corp.

And the beautiful thing about this aspect of nature is you don’t even know how much you’re putting out. You even think you’re not! Excellent.

I find all of this area quite fascinating. For example, a survey out of Austria (of all places) was mentioned about a year ago on this subject. What they found was that regardless of age or relationship status, all the women in the nightclubs surveyed who exposed the most skin i.e. who were least clothed, were ovulating; most had no idea they were putting out so strongly. They just ‘felt’ as you do.

And of course men know. They may not always know they know, but there’s no justification (in evolutionary terms) for putting out signals if they’re not read; why would the females have developed signals that the males couldn’t read. A don’t think Darwin would buy it.

There are lots of those kind of not-entirely-scientific surveys. Fact is, we have no idea of the rhythms and currents working below the surface; I guess we’re just extremely primitive animals dressed in expensive clothes.

Great, isn’t it !

Sorry, here’s a fun link I meant to include earlier:
