This is more a question for women, but guys please pop in and give your opinions on this, too.
I don’t consider myself a very, oh hell there’s just no better way to say it–horny woman other than when around my SO. EXCEPT, and please note that’s a big EXCEPT, for about 3-4 days a month. It’s during this time that I’d rub up against a Joshua tree if it gave me any degree of sexual satisfaction…
Also, during this time, I swear men can tell. Random male strangers will approach me and flirt with me like I am the sexiest woman alive…which unfortunately I am not. I can be scraggly, sweaty and in my frumpiest clothes and still men act like complete idiots around me during this time o’ the month. I feel like I am completely unstoppable and could sleep with any man I fancy…they cannot resist the allure… (gross exaggeration but you get the idea)
But it’s only for three damn days a month. Doper women, does this happen to you? It’s got to…although attractive I am no sex goddess…
Men, do you feel a compelling sexual attraction once a month or so to women that don’t usually do it for you?
Is it in fact primative recognition of ovulation pheremone thingies or is it just that look of lust in my eyes or possibly the flush from sexually fulfilling myself 12 times last night? And, if it is pheremones, can we bottle this stuff???
I don’t know that my attraction to a woman has anything to do while she’s at any particular stage in her cycle, but a number of women have reported to me that their sex drives go absolutely bonkers when it’s their time of the month.
Well, my cycles are irregular (actually, they’ve become regular - but now they are about every six weeks), but I know if I ovulate in a given cycle because I get out of control horny. Since I’m not dating anyone, I, er, have to handle things myself.
But any guy who walks past me when I’m ovulating gets checked out - and the process is something like “there’s a guy, he’s got a dick. Bet he can have sex. Go get him!”. Now, I don’t - but that’s what my body wants to do. It’s insane.
What I don’t notice - probably because I’m rather clueless about it - is whether I do actually receive more attention at that point in time.
Daddy could it have anything to do with your username? I’ve heard that having small babies can kill a sex drive just like that for some women, but time and patience can take care of that…and if I’m being a bit presumptuous, smack me and I apologize. When I was preggers, I didn’t make it the whole way through:(, but I was too busy throwing up and passing out to be into sex…
And Zanshin you truly made me feel hide my face and blush. I was peeking from between my fingers while reading your post. Thank you–you know how I feel about you…
I feel this way the majority of the time, but it is definitely heightened during my time of the month. I could have sex twice a day and still be horny. I’m like a guy in that regard.
Good thing I finally met a man who can keep up with me. Mmmmm. Have to stop thinking about this at work.
Twice? I could (and have) “self medicate” twice before leaving for work in the morning and I’m sure I’m not alone as far as guys go.
We need about 1/2 an hour in between but after that, hell a guy in his teens and twenties could probably get into double digits on a regular bais if our SO’s let us.
With my last bf I noticed that… it was nice for a little then it just got annoying* (and I consider myself a fairly horny woman). Of course maybe it was a part of his clinginess as well that was annoying.
I find it doesn’t have a whole lot to do with my cycle, usually it would correspond to the week before I got my period, but if I’m in the right mood it doesn’t matter what time of the month it is. (And of course right now I’m perpetually horny, those pregnancy books were right on the money about that one… with me single though I at least get some really really good dreams )
[sub]*He would wake my up multiple times in the middle of the night while I’m fast asleep because he wanted some. Y’know it’s cute the first time but being woken up 3-4 times in a night was a little much!![/sub]
Like Indygrrl, I’m pretty horny most of the time - my last bloke described me as having the sexdrive of a “boat-load of horny sailors who haven’t had it in six months”, but it does get A LOT worse when I’m ovulating. And like Little Plastic Ninja, I REALLY need a boyfriend! It’s a criminal waste of horniness.
And yeah, guys seem to be able to tell. I think it’s a pheremone thing - apparently you smell more alluring when you’re at your most fertile, although I don’t have a cite for this. Is there any equivilent thing for blokes, do you think?
Mine also tends to be the week before, not during. I’d kill someone that tried to touch me the week of. I am so not into that at all. But the week before…yeah pretty much so.
My exhusband used to practically (ok, not practically, he did) hump my leg when I was ovulating. Oh yeah, He could tell. Kind of flattering, but after a while quite annoying.