Won't someone give me satellite TV?

I apologize for starting another pit thread so soon after my last one , but our local FOX affiliate kept cutting out. I don’t know if it was the affiliate itself, the network, or our local cable system (it’s been perfect here today, so I don’t see it as a weather related issue).

Anyway, I missed possibly one of the most exciting finishes in NASCAR history, at least in my own recollection. Ricky Craven ran (from what I read, second hand) literally door to door with Kurt Busch for the last lap and a half or so, and won by 0.002 seconds (about an inch and a half).

And I missed it!! :mad:

But the reception was good enough for me to watch Kevin Harvick go a lap down pretty early, and end up 10 laps down.:mad: :mad:

Now I have to wait until Wednesday to watch the repeat.

comf I was on the highway, so it was fun listening to the last, oh, 5 laps, with the reception counting out every 10 seconds because you went under an overpass. :slight_smile:

at least there’s a repeat!

Sorry, I missed the part about why you can’t get DirecTV…


If you live where I live the neighborhood association doesn’t allow satellite dishes to be mounted to the rooftops. :mad: I think they drafted this portion of the covenants back in the 1980s when a satellite dish was 6 feet or more in diameter and white. Now that they are about two feet at the most and usually colored to blend in with most rooftops I can’t see how they would pose any significant problem as far as aesthetics is concerned. I do get digital cable but I’d still rather have satellite as the channel selection is greater.

According to Dish Network, they can’t forbid it by law (since 1966). Link.

Umm - 1996

*O Lord

Won’t you buy me

A satellite TV

Dialing For Dollars

Is calling for me

I’ll wait for delivery

Each day until three

O Lord

Won’t you buy me

A satellite TV*

If you live in a condo, they can legally prevent you from attaching it to the exterior of the home. I would imagine that this might go for other typs of residences not wholly owned by the homeowner.

To the OP:

I’m willing to bet that the problem was with Fox.

Fox has been having all sorts of technical issues over the past year and a half, especially with their sports feeds. They just can’t seem to figure out how to capture their digital signal.

The question to ask is this: when Fox cuts out, do any other stations cut out? The best one to check is the lowest local channel. If there is a problem with your cable, 99.9% of the time all of the channels will be affected. Furthermore, over 90% of all reported cable TV issues are as a result of the wiring in the home and not any fault of the cable company at all.-

Finally, just to make a final point…before you go get a dish, either make darn well sure that you can get your local channels through the dish or make darn well sure that you have a good enough rooftop antenna to get those channels. FCC regulations state that a satellite company cannot sell local channels to a person if that person is able to receive an adequate picture with a rooftop antenna. Some network affiliates have contracts with the dish companies that state those channels can be sold…but the fact of the matter is very few people can actually receive those local channels with a satellite subscription. Furthermore, the TV stations are the ones that make the determination…and they can do it any time they want. The consumer is the only one who ever gets screwed in such cases.

So, I have to ask…what is better? Not getting Fox at all or getting 90% of Fox?

One final note:

Weather related issues simply do not happen with cable TV. Climate issues can happen (corrosion over a long period of time, for instance)…atmospheric issues can happen (co-channel…ever see a distant network affiliate overlap a local station? This happens much more frequently the lower the frequency…AM radio tends to get a lot of co-channel)…Astronomical issues can happen (sun spots during the equinoxes), but a Cable TV system is supposed to be (and is regulated by the FCC to be) sealed up tight. If any water is getting in and causing a problem, there was already an issue before when the weather was nice.

This might get confusing…I’ll try to attribute here as best as I can.

Initially, dwc stated “If you live where I live the neighborhood association doesn’t allow satellite dishes to be mounted to the rooftops.

This threw up a red flag for me because the statement isn’t 100% true. Belrix aptly pointed that out by saying, “*According to Dish Network, they can’t forbid it by law. *”

However, neither statement is totally true. There are some very common cases where a dish simply isn’t allowed…more than one may think.

First of all, dwc never stated whether or not he owned his house. People who rent or lease have absolutely no protection whatsoever under this law. Cable television operates under the same stipulations…if one rents, the Cable company needs permission before they can drill. In fact, many apartment buildings have exclusive contracts with the cable company that strictly does not allow for any drilling whatsoever for community antenna television purposes except what is provided by the building.

Now these facts may not seem important…but let us consider that in my town, about two thirds of the residents rent (rather than own). Furthermore, every single multiple dwelling unit that has been built since 1996 has an exclusive contract with the cable TV company (those contracts are usually seven year contracts…the cable company wires the building for free in return for exclusive rights to the tennants, then turns over the ownership of that wiring after 7 years). Anyone who has a dish who is living in a building that is less than seven years old that is serviced by the local cable company is breaking a law that would be very severe if anyone ever enforced it.

People who own are another slightly different story. However, there are certain situations with them as well where the dish needs to come down. First of all, people who live in large condo units that are all part of the same building have to be weary of the building’s structure. Most condo associations will not allow dishes simply because it alters the outside surface of the building lowering the value of the building as a whole (not to mention the inexplicable hole that needs to be drilled).

There are also somewhat rare instances where people who own houses have been forced to take their dish down. One has to do with height limitations. Another has to do with the “neighborhood eyesore quality”. I can even give an example of this. A friend of mine lived in a fairly well-to-do housing development with one of those covenants that everyone has to sign. Drafted prior to 1996, it did initially have a clause forbidding dishes. However, that clause was still revoked.

About three years ago my buddy decided to put up a dish. Unfortunately, due to large trees in his backyard (which borers a golf course), there is no place on his house which can pick up a clear signal. We ended up finding a spot in the corner of his lawn where the dish did pick up a good signal.

And it did for about six months until his neighbor complained about the eyesore that was sitting about six inches outside of the property easement between the two houses. It was not all that unattractive either. It was mounted on a brown wooden stake that gradually changed to gray up the side. Over the back was one of those plant hanger hook thingies. On the front was the dish. However, the dish happened to point directly at the only window…a large bay window…in the neighbor’s sun room. I guess the guy got tired of the thing pointing directly at him every morning when he went downstairs to read the paper. He was able to force a court order to have my friend move (not remove) the dish because of his agreement with the “community covenant”.

Now, the dish is sitting on the peak of his roof affixed to a 5 foot mast (the tallest allowable by the FAA without lights). It comes in like crap because it can’t quite make it over the peak of the giant poplar trees in his back yard. Plus, the pole wobbles ever-so-slightly in the wind (and it gets windy here) which also affects the reception ever-so-slightly. His agreement essentially forbade his use of the dish because of other agreements he had made(and, no…the poplar trees are not coming down…and neither is the giant oak tree in my back yard which happens to be the only reason I don’t have a dish).